Crayfish Bay - WA



DEG: -26.345921 113.299538
DMS: 26º 20' 45.31" S 113º 17' 58.34" E
UTM: 49 J 7083962mN 729492mE
Altitude: 6.43m


Place Type

Geography - Bay,Inlet,Cove


669.45kms North of Perth

Address & Contact

Phone: N/A
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Web: N/A


Crayfish Bay is so named because in the early days you could walk out onto the reef at low tide and pick up crayfish. There is a steep and very rocky walk trail from the turn around bay, it leads northward towards a number of fishing platforms. Keep heading north into the dune area, but do take great care to drive around dunes and not over the top. Some dunes may have almost vertically drop offs and falling off one of these could be catastrophic. Use a GPS to locate the turn off area to Crayfish Bay. If you don’t have a GPS do not attempt this section of the trek, because it is very difficult to find landmarks and the constant changing nature of the dunes makes it easy to get lost or bogged. Ensure there are at least two vehicles in your convoy because there isn't an RAC service out here and there may not be another vehicle for days or weeks.
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Closest Weather Station

Shark Bay Airport at 15/04:30am WST
Distance from Crayfish Bay 57.5km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Crayfish Bay 52.09km NE
Mean Max. °C30.631.831.128.525.822.921.722.423.825.527.729.1
Mean Min. °C22.022.822.019.716.513.912.713.214.816.518.620.5
Mean Rain mm7.715.314.214.037.454.840.

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