Banana Bender Pub - QLD



DEG: -26.750288 153.04669
DMS: 26º 45' 1.04" S 153º 02' 48.09" E
UTM: 56 J 7041221mN 504643mE
Altitude: 14.05m


Place Type

Services - Pub,Hotel


80.01kms North of Brisbane - Driving 86.7 km (1 hour 3 mins)

Address & Contact

Palmview QLD
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


If you’re looking for a Sunshine Coast icon, you’ve found it in the Banana Bender Pub. With 33 years of rich history, this must-visit destination - formerly known as the Ettamogah Pub - stands tall alongside the just as legendary Aussie World theme park, both of which opened in 1989.The Banana Bender Pub was the second Ettamogah to be built in Australia and was opened in 1989 by Queensland’s then Premier Mike Ahern after nine months of construction.In 2019 the pub - which can be seen from the Bruce Highway at Palmview just an hour north of Brisbane and 40 minutes south of Noosa. - underwent a modern transformation to unveil a vibrant brand-new eye-catching look, which includes three levels and a 500 square metre deck around the front and sides of the building bringing a unique and tropical feeling wow factor to the pub and an incredible space to catch up with friends for a drink or meal.While we will never forget its Ettamogah roots, the Sunshine Coast’s Banana Bender Pub - has pulled out all the stops, showcasing a quirky laid-back Aussie charm, offering up good times with a twist in spades thanks to its eye-catching/or must-see decor and one-of-a-kind memorabilia throughout the building.You'll enjoy the Celebrity caricature faces that have been immortalised in the Banana Bender’s walls in a quintessential Australian way and stay for the live music or entertainment in The Shed and a drink in our sun-drenched beer garden.You can be guaranteed the best pub Parmy on the Sunshine Coast with a twist or a top-shelf meal at Mango’s Bar and Grill restaurant and you’ll leave with an experience and incredible service from our staff that will have you grinning from ear-to-ear thanks to the pub’s larrikin charm.
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Closest Weather Station

Nambour at 26/06:00pm EST
Distance from Banana Bender Pub 15.96km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Sunshine Coast Airport
Distance from Banana Bender Pub 17.19km N
Mean Max. °C28.628.727.625.823.321.220.821.824.125.426.828.1
Mean Min. °C21.221.319.917.013.611.39.59.812.915.617.919.8
Mean Rain mm155.1194.6161.5164.3160.9123.468.876.355.876.685.4157.7

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