This is actually the site of the Pegasus Drill site established by oil and mineral exploration companies during the 1970's and 80's. A significant exploration exercise in the late 70's through to the mid 80's saw major roads and
infrastructure hauled into the area. This
airstrip is of significant size and quality but is fast being overtaken by the bush again. Some detritus from that period remains.
There is also a memorial marker sited at the strip. Situated on the Southern boundary of the Pegasus
Airstrip, the marker was left by the Land Rover Club’s Calvert Centenary Expedition of 1996. It commemorated the deaths of two expedition members, Charles Frederick Wells and George Lindsay JONES who died within several kilometers of this spot during their ill-fated search for
Joanna Spring in 1896.
The marker is located near the windsock pole at the eastern end of the
airstrip (see photos).