Garig Gunak Barlu National Park - NT

  National Parks,Reserves


DEG: -11.33127282 132.0501709
DMS: 11º 19' 52.58" S 132º 03' 0.62" E
UTM: 53 L 8745761mN 177982mE
Altitude: 56.72m


Place Type

Reserves - National Parks,Reserves


181.64kms NorthEast of Darwin

Address & Contact

Cobourg NT
Phone: +618 8999 4555


Garig Gunak Barlu National Park, formerly known as Gurig National Park and Coburg Marine Park. The park includes the entire Cobourg
Peninsula, the surrounding waters of the Arafura Sea and Van Diemen Gulf, as well as some of the neighbouring islands. So bring a boat, and enjoy all aspects of the park including the fishing.

The Park can be normally accessed by road (4WD only) during the dry season only (normally May - October). The Park can also be accessed by air charter, with an airstrip at Smith Point. However, it must be remembered that the airstrip is 2 km from the camp ground and no public transport is available. Alternative access is by sea - 150 nautical miles from Darwin, with coral reefs and a scenic anchorage. The best time to visit: August - October when the moderating east to south-east winds are normally prevalent.

The park contains a camp ground with showers, compost toilets, BBQ's and tables. Water is limited and supplied from a bore, so ensure you bring your own water. Generators are permitted in camp ground No.2, but must be silenced and less than 65 decibel at 7 metres.

Adjacent to the Ranger Station is a cultural centre displaying the cultural history of the area. There are wetland walks, scenic views, and the ruins of Victoria Settlement (accessible by boat or commercial tour).

You will need a permit to camp at Garig Gunak Barlu National Park. You must pay your camping fees at least six weeks before you travel to the park.

This Place marker is a generic location on the Peninsula and should not be used for navigation. See specific sites for camping, points of interest etc by referring to the list of "Nearby Places" or browsing the map for other markers.

Cahills Crossing to Smith Point, 560km return. Four to five hours driving time.
Moderate difficulty with numerous creek crossings that can vary in depth (use depth markers). Expect dust, corrugation and slippery bends. Take a high-clearance 4X4 with two spares. Tents and camper-trailers only; no caravans. Permit required. You must check in with the ranger upon arrival at Black Point.
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Closest Weather Station

Point Stuart at 17/08:30am CST
Distance from Garig Gunak Barlu National Park 103.07km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Black Point
Distance from Garig Gunak Barlu National Park 22.16km NE
Mean Max. °C31.531.131.431.631.229.929.730.531.632.733.232.5
Mean Min. °C25.825.725.524.923.621.520.721.223.024.625.626.1
Mean Rain mm296.2277.2248.0106.336.

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