Buchan to Jacksons Crossing to McKillops Bridge & Home - VIC

Distance: 276.1km
Submitted By: Kate J2
Recorded: 29 Apr 2017


Track Log from EOTraveller Kate J2 saved 29/04/2017 12:41:00PM

1 long day trip, 9 and a half hours of driving. Some technical 4WD experience required. Right through the heart of the Snowy River National Park.

Terrain involved rocky outcrops and shale tracks, numerous river crossings, hard clay to slightly soft dirt tracks some extremely steep uphill and downhill sections. St Joan Staircase prooving to be the most challenging. We spent 45mins cutting up a large tree that had fallen across the track later on in the drive.

Recommend taking a chainsaw, and standard recovery items (snatch strap at a minimum). Having some 4WD experience, or travelling with someone that is experienced. Also need to pick an appropriate month to travel. This track gets closed over winter, water heights at river crossings is dependent on rainfall and seasons.

Distance: 276.1km
Submitted By: Kate J2
Recorded: 29 Apr 2017
Num Points: 542
Average Speed: 21.6km/hr
Accuracy: Medium/Low
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Closest Weather Station

Gelantipy at 11/01:00pm EDT
Distance from Midpoint 23.31km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Midpoint 23.31km N
Mean Max. °C24.
Mean Min. °C11.611.
Mean Rain mm59.374.662.953.048.969.358.953.855.473.299.565.0

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