Bird Orchid

Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Pterostylis
Species: barbata
Main Flower Colour: Other


This orchid which grows to about 25cm high. The flower has a distinctive shiny, patterned appearance. The colours on the single flower range from a network of green, to black edging on the dorsal sepals. The constantly moving labellum protrudes, displaying a sparse yellow fringe and black end. The lateral sepals are widely splayed. Each flower is about 4cm long, laterally compressed, except for the lateral sepals. Growing in disturbed sandy soil, roadside.

Flowering start in August.


The main flower colour is other. Dtstinctive colouring and markings.


Guide to Native Orchids of South Western Australia. Bob Liddelow
Views (per week)20


Bio Regions

Esperance Plains (ESP)

Region Specifics

Stirling Ranges NP. WA. Sandy, disturbed soil beside road.

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