These photogenic banksias can be found in almost pure stands along sections of the WA southern coast. They are large rounded shrubs to 5m high. Long linear leaves are toothed to the mid-rib. Young leaves covered with brownish hairs, adult leaves are grey green. Flower spikes are cylindrical, rounded at the top. Flower spikes are held erect at the end of branches making them very conspicuous. Leaves hang down from the flowers. Buds are covered with silvery grey hairs, opening to a greenish/yellow flower. Seed capsules large and conspicuous, initially covered with a felt of rust brown hairs before becoming grey and gnarled. Grows on deep sand and often covers extensive areas as the dominant shrub.
Flowering start in August and ends in December.
The main flower colour is yellow. Deeply serrated long leaves. Erect greenish flower spike
Banksias, Waratahs & Grevilleas. Wrigley and Fagg
Created: 21 Apr 2014 - Member - John and Val
Updated: 18 May 2014 - Member - John and Val
WildflowerID | 278 |
Views (per week) | 37 |
Views | 20223 |