Wild Tobacco

Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Nicotiana
Species: benthamiana
Main Flower Colour: White


We found this Nicotiana growing inside a small cave - almost a cave dwelling plant. It favours growing in rocky places like rocky hills, cliffs & outcrops. It has soft broad leaves with irregular margins. Leaves have a few hairs, are sticky and pungent smelling. White 5-petalled flowers are solitary in the upper leaf axils.


The main flower colour is white.


Nicotiana benthamiana is used in many plant biology laboratories around the world. The plant is used for many different types of research including gene silencing, metabolic engineering, plant-microbe interactions, protein-protein interactions and gene function studies.


Views (per week)22


Bio Regions

Little Sandy Desert (LSD)

Region Specifics

Canning Stock Route

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