Blue Grass-lily

Family: Hemerocallidaceae
Genus: Caesia
Species: calliantha
Main Flower Colour: Blue


Tufted, glabrous herbaceous perennial; rhizome simple; roots fibrous, most with fusiform tubers 1–4 cm long towards tips.

Leaves 8–50 cm long, 1.5–15 mm wide; sheath ± papery.

Inflorescence 15–70 cm high; axis simple or 1-several-branched; lower bracts to 40 cm long; flowers in clusters of 1–3, the lowest subtended by linear subulate bracts to 6 cm long; upper bracts linear to ovate attenuate, down to 2 mm long, pedicels slender, 8–12 mm long. Tepals narrow-elliptic, 6–10 mm long, usually blue or purple with darker veins. Stamens 3–5 mm long; anthers 0.9–1.2 mm long; filaments narrow-fusiform.


The main flower colour is blue.

References 01 Nov 2014 - Stephen L (Clare) SA

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Bio Regions

Flinders Lofty Block (FLB)

Region Specifics

Spring Gully

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