Simpson Desert ....another way

Submitted: Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 22:20
ThreadID: 10011 Views:2096 Replies:5 FollowUps:7
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Seeing as the usual Simpson questions start to emerge at this time of year I thought that those of you who have not read it yet may go and have a look at our Simpson Desert off road adventure of 1987. Go to my website click on 4x4 click on The Spinifex Trail.


Googs Lake camp
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Reply By: AndrewX - Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 22:59

Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 22:59
Hello Willem,
It must have been quite an achievement in the old Nissan. I did it in a Prado and that was hard enough!
AnswerID: 44310

Follow Up By: ianmc - Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 23:50

Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 23:50
Not sure about state of track in 2004 but did it over two years ago in 1991 Triton TD ute solo travelling light but with plenty of water & fuel & food.
Bit of a cruise except when I was in the wrong gear 3 parts of way up a couple of sandhills. Took 71 litres for the 600 odd kms( I think that correct) from Oodnadatta to Birdsville but had to wait often for the Chamberlain Tractor Club on their east-west crossing to dig out of their bogs & fill in holes made by their big lugged tyres.
After rains the desert was a mass of flowers and a number of flats between the hills were small lakes which some skirted & others charged thru.
As I was solo I skirted most & only did the trip after seeing that there was enough traffic each day to ensure that help would not be far away if needed. No flats, no troubles, just tranquility & not too much rush.
The museum at Birdsville is a MUST SEE particularly the guided tour which shows & demonstrates stuff of a bygone era that 99.99% of people have never seen! Have fun.
FollowupID: 306536

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:00

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:00
Hello AndrewX............we did that offroad Simspon trek in a 1986 Suzuki 1.3JX as pictured in the article. I don't think that I would like to do it in the old Nissan though...might nbe a trifle too bouncy.

Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 306575

Reply By: John - Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 23:40

Sunday, Jan 25, 2004 at 23:40
Hi Willem
Great story on the Simpson, an even better one titled "One Day in The Wet"
That sounded like a real fun day all it was missing was the crocs.

AnswerID: 44316

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:02

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:02
Hi John...I am working on other stories as well and there are a number of croc experiences in there. But it will be a while before I get them done.


Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 306577

Reply By: Mick - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 00:17

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 00:17
Hi Willem,
Had a bit of a look at your Simpson account. Poor little Suzi is my comment!! You certainly make a meal of it when you go off road!! Sounds like you had a good time though but I'm not surprised at the folk not taking it all too seriously though - after all many people do cross the desert without all the fanfare - it's no big deal really!!
AnswerID: 44322

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:17

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:17
Now that you have read the account maybe you should drive it too. Just don't write about it as it is no big deal......but then again, maybe you should stick to formed tracks and not take on anything risky.

Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 306580

Follow Up By: Mick - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 20:51

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 20:51
Hello Willem I have crossed the Simpson Desert and I stick to my comment that it's no big deal. Sure it takes a bit of planning and preparation but so does a day at the beach! Many many people do it with very few problems. I think it's a great trip but the challenge is mainly planning the food and water to be carried and not the actual 4wding. Maybe my vehicle is a bit bigger and more able to handle the conditions - on thinking about it it would be a lot more challenging and dangerous in a little Suzuki so maybe you were right to arrange SAR times etc even if they didn't take you seriously. Cheers!
FollowupID: 306602

Reply By: Member - Peter- Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 08:07

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 08:07
We've come down from Atula, out to Lake Caroline and down the Hay to Camp 16. From camp 16 there is a track south down to the shotlines and then across to Beachcomber and then Poeppels.
Like you said though it is extremely rough country, like driving over randomly stacked 44 gallon drums especially south from Caroline on the west side of the Hay. The eastern side of the Hay is very smooth and much easier than the west.
Unfortunately these days access is very difficult if not impossible due to indigenous land access restrictions. A shame as it is magnificent country.
AnswerID: 44328

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:24

Monday, Jan 26, 2004 at 14:24
As you say access is becoming more and more difficult due to indigenous land access.....I am pleased that we took the opportunity when it presented itself and have accessed some wonderful parts of Australia over the past 20 years. I raed however in a recent Magazine that a party, including Ron and Viv Moon, have just traversed some of that country so there is still some access to be had. I still have to drive the full length of the French line as I have only done the section west of the Colson Track and east of 27km west of Poepple Corner.Willem

Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 306581

Reply By: Ruth - Tuesday, Jan 27, 2004 at 18:22

Tuesday, Jan 27, 2004 at 18:22
Willem - didn't realise you haven't done that bit. Come up and we'll go to the Desert. Not when it is like Pitt Street though. Then we could do a loop and come back another way. I think we camp in similar fashion. I've been wanting to do Goog's also. 50 degrees here today and I don't want to do much at all.
AnswerID: 44506

Follow Up By: Willem - Tuesday, Jan 27, 2004 at 20:33

Tuesday, Jan 27, 2004 at 20:33
Hello Ruth...Yes, I was hoping to fit in a trip up to Coongie Lakes before the big rush this yearmaybe in April but it depends on all sorts of factors which may or may not take place plus I have to go to for an op in July. You never know.......also looking at buying a newer vehicle before I set off on any major trek.

Yes, there are still some places I have to see. Had Cape York planned for last year but another op put paid to that adventure. But I will get there. Hopefully 2005 will see me in the bush for most of the year.


Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 306702

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