Hot water service

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 at 13:00
ThreadID: 100730 Views:1623 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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How do you remove the on/off electrical switch in a "suburban" brand hot water service?
Would appreciate any assistance thanks in advance Peter
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Reply By: ed c1 - Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 at 17:28

Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 at 17:28
hi peter,
i pulled mine out 2 days ago, my heater is 240v /gas model sw dea . its not hard to do. the hardest part is removeing and replaceing that gas pipe that goes to the main jet. the one shaped like a pigs tail...this pipe blocks your way to the switch...
after removing the pipe i used an old hub cap remover to free the switch from the bottom,the switch is held in place by 2 plastick clips and you break the bottom one when you free it. now on mine there was 2 wires conected to 2 spade fittings on the back of the switch , these wires have a 90 deg bend on them which go to the right of the switch ,,,,so be carefull ,,,the switch has to come out at an angle left side out first, (like getting a table through a door legs first) now gently pull the switch out and be carefull as the wires are not that long....take the switch with you when you buy a new one....i bought mine from an elctrical supply mob on port hacking rd .caringbah right behind colour tiles ( stokes) i got mine for $10 he said it should have been $28,,,,tip,,,
tip mark one wire so that it goes back in the right place
tip 2 when replaceing the pipe loosen the big pipe that goes to the boiler (one nut) and then try to get the pipe started at both ends , we dont want to cross thread, once both ends are started slowly tighten all three


good luck travel safe
AnswerID: 505456

Reply By: Member - Peter M2 (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 at 20:50

Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 at 20:50
Thanks so much will see how it goes.
Have printed out your instructions
regards Peter
AnswerID: 505469

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