Bikies,dividing lines and turtles.
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 15:00
This Thread has been Archived
On a recent breaking in trip with our new slide on camper Di and I were driving south into
Tamworth NSW. The listed speed limit was 70kmh and traffic was flowing at a smooth 60kph.Traffic flow in both directions was constant and unbroken. Between us were unbroken double white lines.
Out of the rear came quite suddenly three Harley riders in single file riding the double whites and overtaking all. I decided there was nothing I could do except hold my line of travel. No sense in exacerbating the situation.
The first two riders came past with a roar their arms and legs sticking straight out like tuning forks .
Its been forty seven years since I fell off a bike and never got back on so if any member who rides bikes is reading this..can you explain how a bike is ridden like this. They look like they just fell off a
cliff :).
Anyway the third one came thru looking tough with his open face helmet and wrap arounds but he just did not look as confident... and sure as eggs just as he came alongside he was buffeted by a heavy rigid coming opposite.
It was then when he was right beside me that I looked at him and thought,
well, whatever happens now it was your choice .
But he impressed me by maintaining what can only be described as a" faux cool" look behind those sunnies but his eyes must have been popping.I honestly thought then that he would be doing a thorough and final underneath inspection of my LC ute or some other unlucky drivers vehicle.
The bike got the wobbles and it seemed to take an eternity before he finally got control and went on.
The three riders were from a
well known bikie gang and must have been in a hurry to get to their "social club". I wont name their gang which is reckoned by those in authority to be criminal, not for fear of reprisal but because my 65 year old mate belongs to a bikie gang but he reckons his gang is just disgraceful not criminal.
All this time the Missus said nothing. Two hours later still heading south we came across a turtle/tortoise struggling across the highway... Don't hit the poor bloody thing came the command from beside me. Luckily I didnt.
Drinks that night at our peaceful
camp was a time of quiet reflection.
Happy travels.
Reply By: Shaker - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 15:58
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 15:58
Road traffic or
Parking rules don't apply to motor bikes!
Follow Up By: allein m - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 16:08
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 16:08
we get a lot of Ulysses Club Member come to
Broken Hill and I am amazed how they do it with the amount of wild life Roo,s and Emus out and about it is just good luck no one has been badly injured or worse I know of the dangers and take a lot of car leaving town but other do not and travel at the speed limit or more
Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 17:01
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 17:01
Well Ill be buggered.....I always thought they applied to bikes as
Follow Up By: Shaker - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 17:52
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 17:52
From my observations, apparently not!
Follow Up By: Rockape - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:27
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:27
you just haven't got it right. When the man in the uniform comes up to you and infers he maybe going to throw the book at you, you just tell him, because you are riding a bike the offence doesn't apply to you.
See you are doing it all wrong. diplomacy is your answer. This is what Shaker has probably observed.
Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:34
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:34
Oh but no thanks officer?
Follow Up By: olcoolone - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:36
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 18:36
Quote "Road traffic or
Parking rules don't apply to motor bikes!"
Thats a bit rough...... it's like saying all 4x4ers are environmental vandals and all caravaners are cheap skates.
I ride motorbikes and I still abide by the road rules most of the time.
Please don't get bike riders and bikies mixed up.
Follow Up By: Rockape - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 19:00
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 19:00
Right on Hairy,
I can see your on to it.
Remember. Firm but with a touch of diplomacy and the world will be your oyster.
He will then go back to the station and mention to his fellow officers what a gentleman you were when you explained his policing error.
RA. Ape hangers come naturally to me.
Follow Up By: pop2jocem - Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 20:14
Tuesday, Apr 02, 2013 at 20:14
Well as long as they are using the motor bike know the one they have painted down the middle of some roads....the two white lines close together....I mean obviously they are not there for cars, too narrow.(;-))
RA, I remember the first time I saw a genuine set of ape hangers. A couple of mates and me were doing our "Rite of Passage" trip around Australia in my trusty HD ute, about the late 60's. We were having a look around
Canberra when this bike went through the
intersection ahead of us. This bloke was holding the handlebars at or just above eye level.
Well our flabber was
well and truly ghasted.
Follow Up By: Dingojim - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 04:54
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 04:54
Happens all the time in FNQ these blokes only just on their side of the centre line, funny how they move over when I'm driving the bus and do the same to them. Someones got to tell these fellas that there's always plenty of room in the
cemetery because when it looks like being full they just move the fence back a bit.
Follow Up By: Member - PJR (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 05:14
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 05:14
"I ride motorbikes and I still abide by the road rules most of the time."
Follow Up By: Dingojim - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 07:43
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 07:43
Yes PJR most of the mc riders do the same but there is a minority who seem to have suicidal tendencies. I'll guarantee that if they head butt my bus, 8.5 tonne, they won't win 1st prize.
Follow Up By: Member - PJR (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 08:49
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 08:49
I was quoting another post of a rider who also does not believe in being a law abiding rider. Not my words - his.
Last time I rode a bike was back about 1970. I was helping the brother in law round up his horses. Justa little Honda 90. Chasing (on a 90!!!) a ruunaway, the horse turned, the bike turned and I didn't. Took a month to get ride of all the bullust.
Follow Up By: olcoolone - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 08:54
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 08:54
Yeap and I'm sure every other road user sticks to the road rule most of the time too...... I'm no saint and I am not going to make out I am by saying I follow road rules 100% and have never broken them..... so yes I stick to the road rules most of the time!
There is a difference in being dangerous and being sensible and logical using the road.
What may seem dangerous to a car driver may not be dangerous to a bike rider.
And I see just as many bike riders as I do car drivers who have a death wise.
Follow Up By: olcoolone - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 09:03
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 09:03
QUOTE "Happens all the time in FNQ these blokes only just on their side of the centre line, funny how they move over when I'm driving the bus and do the same to them."
So bike riders don't have the right to use all their lane, do you do the same if a 40t plus truck and trailer did it?....... I'm sure you would feel pretty stupid and bad is you happened to hit one in your bus....... always thought bus drivers were meant to act in a professional and safe manner......... I'm sure many of you passengers would be traumatised if you did hit a bike rider, must be good to have no responsibility and duty of care.
If someone wants to use all their lane they are not breaking the law, you seem to think different.
Follow Up By: Dingojim - Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 at 07:09
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 at 07:09
olcoolone I bet you vote Labour. No I would not feel bad if I hit one as I would be complying with the rules. Bike riders, you and me and everyone else has the right to use all of their lane, but the road rules in Qld require that you travel as close as practically possible to the left hand side of the road and I am fairly sure that other states have similar rules. Maybe they are different on your planet ? Your assumption that I travel with a bus full of passengers is erroneous and you must stop jumping to conclusions or you will injure yourself. I do have a sense of responsibility one of those responsibilities is to familiarise myself with the road rules for the area I am driving in you want to try it, obviously you'll learn something.
Follow Up By: Member - PJR (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 at 08:16
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 at 08:16
I wouldn't bother. What you said was fine.
Reply By: andrew t - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 15:30
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 15:30
i think we are missing the point here last time i checked double unbroken white lines meant no overtaking in either direction so that must mean that to overtake then you have broken the law, mmmmm what would the result have been if said person on bike came off and went under either the car he overtook or an oncoming vehicle,apart from a bad weekend and some people having to hose whats left of him off the road i dare say in the eyes of his mates it would not have been his fault and some poor person has to live with the fact through no fault of their own they helped in assisting this idiot commit suicide. and thank god you didn't hit the
turtle at least he doesn't understand road rules
Follow Up By: JimDi - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 19:29
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 19:29
Hi Andrew,
turtle had made the centre line and was forging on. I did not see any oncoming traffic for a few klms after so I am guessing he/she made it.
Reply By: Member - blackbird1937 - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 18:45
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 18:45
Hi . There are always some idiots on the road. I still ride bikes and m/bikes drive vehicles and tow a caravan. Used to operate plant drive semis and low loaders. Thursday 28 th March between
Gundagai and Cootamundra a 4x4 was behind me for some time on a straight dry piece of tar. They waited until heavy rain started then drove past on a bend and double lines at
well over the speed limit. Good Friday driving into Gilgrandra a
grey vehicle overtook me then dropped a empty stubby out of passenger side window. Most people do the right thing but there are always some idiots around.
Follow Up By: JimDi - Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 20:05
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 20:05
Hi Blackbird,
Yes I agree that idiots abound. I have seen them on pushbikes,motorcycles, cars, trucks and 4wds behind desks and so on. And dont leave out pedestrians.
When I was much younger I was accused of being one at times. But I am sure my accusers were misguided or mistaken.
I was not having a go at all motorcycle riders just commenting on the three blokes who overtook in such a situation.
When I looked in the rear vision and saw them coming I groaned and thought this will not end
well. But it did thank heavens.