Tuesday, Apr 16, 2013 at 17:30
G'day MM,
I hear what your saying mate, that is my favorite ute, but they do have their issues, like all cars lol!
They do not like towing heavy loads up steep hills. The engine has the grunt, but the auto/clutch is the same one that's in a Falcon
sedan & will crap itself really quickly if heavy loads are towed uphill regularly.
The rear
suspension from the factory is useless for a 1 tonne ute! It's easily fixed with helper springs, but without them, it will almost drag its tow-bar on the ground with 400kg on board. Once the helper springs are fitted, it becomes a brilliant ute, but it will be very bouncy when running empty without towing.
Like I said, I love them! But I use them as a commercial vehicle & am prepared to spend money on them, because they make me money. We did take one bush once, I don't think I'd do it again though.
BTW, they are an "Extra Cab", there are small toolboxes behind the seats.
All the best,
Kevin :)