Hi All,
Just wanting to get some info about diesel availability across the Tanami.
Having a Pajero means we don't have the best range so will be taking a couple of jerry cans with us. I was reading a blog from last year and it indicated that
Yuendumu was in danger of not being reliable due to mismanagement, I was hoping to restock here so any info will be greatly appreciated. Also is Billiluna a reliable source?
Just wanting to be safe rather than sorry because as I work it out, 88ltrs in the tank plus 2 x 20ltrs = 128ltrs @ 14L/100km (guys on the blog got 13.5L/100km from there Paj) gives me a range of 914kms.
Also could do a small top-up at Tilmouth Roadhouse if needed. Worst case scenario would be Tilmouth to Billiluna which is 699kms.
Thanks in advance, Lloyd