Tuesday, Jun 04, 2013 at 09:33
copy and paste of qld road rule 7.5.1 (im sure other state are similar)
i havent counted the number of times the term elsewhere is mentioned but i think it is in there somewhere and this is not maritime legislation
hope this makes up for my previous sin of giving an opinion
7.5.1 Authority to breath
Section 80(2) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act (TORUM Act) provides the authority for an officer to require a person to provide a specimen of breath for a breath
test if the officer has found such person, or suspects on reasonable grounds that such person, was during the last preceding three hours:
(i) driving a motor vehicle, tram or train on a road or elsewhere;
(ii) attempting to put in motion a motor vehicle, tram or train on a road or elsewhere;
(iii) in charge of a motor vehicle, tram or train on a road or elsewhere; or
(iv) driving or in charge of or attempting to put in motion a vessel being used or apparently about to be used in navigation.
Section 80(2A) of the TORUM Act provides that an officer may require a person to provide a specimen of breath for a breath
test where a motor vehicle, tram, train or vessel is involved in an incident resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to property if the officer suspects, on reasonable grounds, that such person was:
(i) driving or attempting to drive the motor vehicle, tram or train on a road or elsewhere;
(ii) in charge of the motor vehicle, tram or train on a road or elsewhere; or
(iii) driving or in charge of or attempting to drive the vessel;
at the time of the incident.
7.5.5 Breath
test result below relevant alcohol limit
When the result of a breath
test indicates that the concentration of alcohol in the subject person's breath is not over the relevant alcohol limit the subject person cannot be again required to provide a specimen of breath for a breath
test nor be required to provide a specimen of breath for analysis or a specimen of blood for a laboratory
test based on such breath
Issue 18 - December 2011
Last updated 14/11/2012