Saturday, Jun 29, 2013 at 20:39
Thank you Barry.
My webman has doubled the bandwidth and I have asked friends in South Africa to keep an eye on it and phone the web host if the problem reoccurs. Should be ok now.
Before the walk I was not sure I would be able to do a half marathon - 21km a day, 6 days a week for 3 months, but very glad that this was achievable for the first 26 days on the track, especially as I was carrying a pack weight that was/is very heavy. Averaged 23.5km according to Andy, who enjoys cruching numbers and that I think includes my rest days - only 2.5 over the entire period.
I have a lengthy delay in
Kunawarritji as I attend to legal documentation with South Africa that requires my attention before I continue. The delay in getting back on the track makes me a little nervous. Don't want to get too comfortable here in the Tourist Motel in
Kunawarritji. Bill and Raylene are really taking good care of me and making me very comfortable and welcome. All this makes it harder to go back out into the 'cold' again. Yes, it is cold here and has been for awhile now.
I am so very grateful to Andy for his help in laying the supply drops with me and making them safe and easy for me to find. I really do owe him a lot.
When we layed the drops we measured the distance for the walk and it actually works out closer to 1650km, rather than 1850km as I originally thought. The additional distance listed on the ExplorOz Trek notes must be to the dead wells and excursions. Pam and I intend/ed to walk only the track itself and to the
places with water like Durba.
Pam has done incredibly
well. I take my hat off to her. She was walking around 30km a day which is tough. I am hoping that she accepts me offer to be her support driver in September and completes this walk this year. It is not something you want to leave undone after she was so close - 2/3's of the way there.
Every day I am out here, I know how easily my own walk could come to an end. It just takes a twisted ankle, injury strain to my feet to re-occur, my back going 'out' as I lift the heavy pack onto my back each day, another encounter with bull camels that ends with me kicked and stomped on, a broken leg when I walk off track through the brush and dunes, so many things could happen - and I am
well aware that it could all end very badly and suddenly.
But that is what makes each day beautiful and wonderful to be a part of. It could be my last and I know that, so each day I wake up and break
camp and start walking .... and I give thanks.