Wednesday, Jul 17, 2013 at 13:25
The EO tyre size calculair needs a swift kick up the bum
My std Dmax tyres measure 745mm dia with a few thousand km wear on them.
Also if you take the time, as mentioned, and work it out with new batteries in the calculator you will see what is real.
If you are now saying the dia of what i said are near accurate what does your quote of
"245/75/16 have a rolling diameter of 662mm
265/70/16 have a rolling diameter of 659mm
actually mean?????????????????????
If 246/75/16 is acceptable why go wider and slightly larger again? to 265/70/16.
Ps The rolling diameter of a tyre as quoted by many isn't the real rolling diameter at all. it is always less due to the load.
Radius of a tyre is always larger than the actual rolling radius when in use and it too makes a difference to gearing.
Ross M