Monday, Aug 12, 2013 at 22:39
Oh Neil!
Please cite your sources and/or experiences before making such claims.
DFES - it is no longer called FESA (maybe this shows the currency of your claims) has many " jobs" for many people with many varying skill sets. I have seen people with amputations, birth deformities and even one guy confined to a wheel chair performing various roles at major emergencies in WA.
Anybody can do anything as long as they are physically and mentally able and have received appropriate training.
I can't see anywhere in that sentence that refers to someones sex.
The only sensible thing you say is that jobs should be allocated relevant to skills and abilities. I agree 100% - but job allocation should be based on skills and experience possessed rather than the genitals they were born with.
If you have any credible experience, you will know that through all volunteer arms of DFES (including VFRS, BFS, VES, SES, VMSR and VFS) a rank structure exists achieved by gaining skills and experience. A rank structure that supports those who are newer to the organization or have fewer skills.
As a fire fighter with over 25 years experience, having held the rank of Captain, Lieutenant and Training Officer in several brigades (both VFRS and BFS brigades) in the North, South and Metro area, I can honestly say I have no anecdotal evidence that supports your claim.
However, I will say I have worked alongside some of the most wonderful people with exceptional skills of both sexes and wide ranging ages doing their damnedest to make our community a safer place to be.
Unfortunately, I have also seen 3 fire fighting colleagues (2 of them were my mates, 1 was also our next door neighbour) die on fire grounds. Guess what? None of them were female.