Saturday, Aug 17, 2013 at 09:33
While I am not generally supportive of highly modified 4wds.
Just because someone has a high powered engine It does not necessarily follow that they are ripping up tracks.
A powerful and tractable engine will infact allow the driver to travese certain ground better and with less damage.
Torque may be a good thing, but no amount of torque will compensate for a lack of power.
I think this engine would be found to have plenty of torque....seeing as it screwed the input shaft off the gearbox
Just because an engine is running at high RPM it does not necessarily follow that the wheels are doing likewise.....ask any suzuki owner.
Particularly when towing heavy off road campers or
off road caravans, there are many situations where ample power can be used to advantage and responsibly.
What this does do is illustrate that foreign engine swaps.... are not necessarily required to produce usefull power increases in 4wds.
It also illustrates what happens when you take things a little too far.
A smaller turbo, yeilding a 50% ish power increase would probably be entirely practical.
Certainly a better option that trying to stuff a big block in there.
If this bloke is an idiot, that will be obvious when you meet him.....but just because he has a powerful engine, that does not make him one.
BTW...throwng babies out with bat water is both child abuse and environmental vandalism.