Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013 at 12:00
Goulburn river at Molesworth
Lot of ground to cover in your question Dennis.
First the politically correct spots are covered by the following site.
Many have been damaged by DSE though for example Horseshoe
camp area - you have to now leave your car about 100m from water edge.
There are at least a dozen other spots where to can drive to
embankment though and
I'll describe a couple.
Rooftop maps are good even though they are out of date and can be got at Glenburn
United roadhouse on way up from Melb.
e.g. Big River - Rubicon map shows serval
places going west from Eildon from the seriously fun Lake trk , then to Kendalls
camp area on the Rubican river from which there is an serious un named trk immediatly west of the
bridge near old power station and the milder Herbs rd on the east side of river which goes up to a great
Moving over to Toolangi Black Range map you have everything from free van type spot called
brooks river reserve to Ridds rd just east of
Molesworth where you can
camp on river bank next to a large concrete
bridge that has been collapased at the ends to stop drive over it (used to be main road there) , 100m east of
Molesworth you can get near river in a little spot but bank is high.
Its also worth driving thru
Molesworth CV park where you can get to a little known
boat ramp.
(think it meant to be day visitor only - photo of
sign there showing other access points).
Molesworth you can head up scrubby crk rd and tackle Wherret and surrounding trks.
Moving on past Killing worth
boat ramp over to Ghin Ghin
bridge where you can
camp if you interpret the signage as I do.
South of here goes to Strath crk falls / tracks etc.
All of above and more are legal but some have gates to put you off.
If you explore the area bit by bit you will find a wealth of other stuff as
Map at Molesworth Boat ramp
Goulburn river at Molesworth