Legal or illegal to transmit on non-voice-Australia HF frequencies?

Submitted: Monday, Apr 29, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 1046 Views:2508 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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Nigel you wrote in a reply to me( Post 1013) "It's not illegal to send data on HF.
It is illegal to send data on a channel licensed by the ACA for voice only (selcalls excepted)."

Nigel can you give me, now, an Australian HF frequency where I can transmit digital or morse code or
non-voice signal which do not require a licence?
I would really like to know that.

Nigel can you clarify your statement above.
At the moment your statement gives the impression someone only need a HF licence if he/she
transmit a voice modulation only -
Nigel if I am understanding your ststement correctly you are saying," if you
are transmitting non-voice signals on HF you do no require a HF licence"

What licence do you require?

What I am saying you still require a licence even to transmit on 50Hz or less?

I'll be interested to see some documented by the ACA to such a statement
because I have a few radio projecst to run on extremely low frequencies.
[ I would like to avoid all the paperwork which goes with the application for a temporary provisional
expereimental licence]. Nigel for this reason, your answer will be welcome.

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Reply By: Nigel - Monday, Apr 29, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 29, 2002 at 00:00
As far as I know a license is required for all HF transmission whether they be voice or otherwise, except for voice traffic on the 27 MHz CB frequencies. What I was saying is that if someone subscribes to a service that has channels assigned by the ACA for data transmission (eg SailMail) then they can transmit data legally without having to apply for their own channels or license, as they will be covered by the license of the service they join (as long as they are a financial member and follow the rules). As for your requirements I know there are class licenses for VHF and UHF for low power data outside of the CB band. Have you searched the ACA website for class licenses for lower bands?
AnswerID: 3195

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