Wednesday, Oct 16, 2013 at 14:42
Hi Ron
I agree 110% with all that you have said, and I, like you feel for the great injustice that was shown to our serving Servicemen that had to follow orders, regardless of all safety aspects.
When you do the Range Tour at
Maralinga, it made my blood boil on the way that the British kept so much from the Australian Authorities. Even to this very day, there are a number of sites at
Maralinga where the British have buried waste from the
test, and will not tell the Australian Authorities where these pits are and what id buried inside what are they hiding???
As for the Aboriginals, there were
well over 16 families that just disappeared during the
test, never to be seen again by anyone from their clans.
I could rave on, but I hope that this type on thing is never allowed on Australian soil ever again.
thanks for taking the time to reply