Around the world with a troopy and a wheelchair

Submitted: Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 at 09:23
ThreadID: 105519 Views:2898 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Round the world with a troopy and a wheelchair.
Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 at 05:43
Hi all,

I've made several posts on explore oz regarding the setup of our troopy. Im paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair, my partner and intend on driving from London to Cape Town via Central Asia in a 94 troopy with 335 000km on the clock. It will be taking us about a year to pass through the 40 countries to make it from London to the most southern tip of Africa.

We are also doing it for a good cause, to raise funds and awareness for spinal cord injuries Australia. every day 1 person in Australia suffers an SCI leaving them not only permenantely disabled but with a huge set of challenges, financial, emotional, physical and psychological, just to name a few, to face for the rest of their life.
We hope to raise funds for those out there that are struggling with these issues.

We have made a blog with the details of our trip and the build of the vehicle. Thought we would like to share the progress of our build with the good people of exploroz and maybe if your feeling generous and have a few spare bob could donate to a worthy cause. ( this part of the site is still under construction at the moment)

Anyway feel free to subscribe and make any suggestions as to our build and the trip in general.

Thanks all

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Reply By: rb30e - Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 at 09:26

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 at 09:26
we actually posted this a while back but I was unable to add to it because it had been archived.

Its been a wile since updating the blog, busy, busy, busy.

We have put up a post about the turbo setup on the troopy and some modifications to ensure its as reliable as possible.

here's a few shots but for the full story check the blog [url][/url]

new top mount intercooler

bonnet scoop

exhaust pyrometer
AnswerID: 523196

Reply By: Phil B (WA) - Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 at 09:41

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013 at 09:41
Well done Jerome for not letting your injury beat you.

Good luck and may both of you have a safe journey.

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AnswerID: 523199

Reply By: Member - Kiwibound eventually - Thursday, Dec 19, 2013 at 05:57

Thursday, Dec 19, 2013 at 05:57
Hi Jerome
We have read your blog and joined so that we receive email alerts of your updates. You are planning and preparing for an amazing trip and we look forward to following it. You are amazing and hopefully inspiration for others to rejoin life after such a tragic injury.
AnswerID: 523258

Reply By: rb30e - Saturday, Jan 11, 2014 at 06:50

Saturday, Jan 11, 2014 at 06:50
Hi everybody once again,

Been a while since updating the blog with all the Christmas and New Years shenadagans.
We finally got the time to take the troopy off road and for a bit of a shakedown after 9 months of building it up. Went down to melbourne (from Sydney) to see Jess's family for christmas. Hit up the snowy mountains and Vic highlands plus a few other NP's on the way down and back. Here are a few pics, as usual for the full story and more pics check out our blog.

View atop Mt Selwyn

Leaving Mt Blue Rag

Crossing the Deua River

Got it covered

Playing in the mud

Approaching Mt Blue Rag

Please check out our page 'the cause' and donate to people that desperately need your help.

Thanks all

AnswerID: 524250

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