Friday, Dec 27, 2013 at 10:39
“Here we go agin....... It seems every 200 series is a lemon, how wrong can one be. I seems people make comments that they have no idea or understanding of or first hand knowledge but the have heard about them.”
Olcoolone, have you had too much to drink over Xmas? What a weird and ill-informed comment to make, especially if your comments are directed at myself! I never said anything at all about the 200 series being a Lemon, but you obviously know the vehicle better than I do so if that if your opinion I will pass on that one. I do have first hand knowledge of the 200 series as I purchased one brand new and owned it for 3 years. If you care to actually be informed about others and the substance to their comments please read my Thread #100045
“Why I sold my 200 series” from earlier this year. This thread received 25 Replies, 58 Follups and almost 6,000
“Nearly all problems showed up in the warranty period and were addresses under warranty.”
My comment has nothing to do with any problems that showed up or did not show up under warranty. My comment was based on my own observations and talks with buyers (I go to vehicle auctions regularly). The point is there is a perception in the market (and that perception could be right or wrong) that the V8 diesel Toyotas could be very expensive to repair outside warranty so accordingly the sale price is marked down. Some people would prefer to buy a 10 yr old 100 series than a 7 year old 200 series. Fact!
“It never seem to amaze me those who own 200 series most have only ever heard about these so called problems and have not seen the problems on their own vehicles.”
Four words..."Envy, tall poppy syndrome.”
What would I be envious of you Olcoolone? As stated above in my Followup 2 of 8 above I have owned a 200 series. In 2014 I am buying a new Silverado which IMHO is bigger and better than a 200 series. What a stupid comment that is Olcoolone. Perhaps you are envious that I was able to sell my 200 series for a good price whilst it still had 2 years extended warranty left on it. It is worth significantly less now that it was 12 months ago.
“Btw...". Our Landcruiser has had only one warranty issue over 2.5 years and that was the inside blower fan that had a little squeak every now and again, or new 12mth old
Ranger has had 5 claims.”
Your point being…..?????
“Before making comments it pays to look at the corresponding vehicle specific forums where real owners hang out and not rely on he says she says of the World Wide Web.
Why is when some one mentions 200 series these urban reliability myths always appear.”
Olccolone…wrong, wrong, wrong… again! I am a member of LCOOL
forum and have spent hundreds of hours over the past 6 years reading about the 200 series You are the one who is ill informed and has not done your homework…else you would not have made such stupid comments based on incorrect assumptions.