Monday, Jan 20, 2014 at 14:50
Yes Bazooka, you are quite right, particularly about 230v electrical matters.
My difficulty arises when a matter of personal safety becomes evident and readers are offered plausible but unsafe advice. It matters not about one's qualification or expertise, there are always those who are 'cocky' and truly believe that they know all about the subject who will at worst post unsafe statements or at best post responses which simply muddy the waters and confuse. Repeated efforts to clarify can then be viewed as "pedantic". I respond to try and resolve but eventually, as in a recent thread, simply opt-out to terminate the confusion, however I find it difficult to 'bite-my-tongue' when matters of safety are involved.
A few years back we had Collyn Rivers as a regular expert Member until, for much the reasons we discuss here, Collyn reached the limit of his tolerance and ceased to contribute. An extract from his final post is as follows:
(Quote begins) "Time and time again however the very basis of the postings are disputed - leaving one in the necessary absurdity of trying to convince someone that: 'No - the effects of Ohm's law are not 'personal opinions'. Etc. Within a few postings, the thread tends to leave the questioner more confused than previously.
It has also not infrequently caused others to state my advice is flawed or wrong and this is a serious issue for a professional engineer and professional writer/publisher offering advice in the same field. People are thus left wondering about my competence in the very area in which I publish - but with no way of judging it.
I have therefore and reluctantly decided to cease, as from now, to respond to all questions on this site in all areas in which I work, write and/or publish. I will however continue to post on other areas where I feel I may be able to assist.
I truly thank everyone who, over the past few years, has been kind enough to acknowledge assistance provided.
Collyn Rivers" (End of quote)
As a professional engineer myself, I can understand exactly where Collyn was coming from.
The entire thread can be read
here and even after his "resignation" there were follow-ups of derision which substantiated Collyn's point!
The misfortune of it is that ExplorOz lost an expert and valuable contributor. And I would expect that such others have either never offered or have ceased to offer.
Accordingly, the uninformed reader has little way to judge the competence of a response on this site. Some similar forums do have subject moderators appointed to oversee such matters, but not here.
As you say Bazooka.... "I do know a few EOers who I'd trust (and others I wouldn't)" but a new poster to the site does not even have that benefit! It is a unfortunate and frustrating matter.