River Heights

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 22:29
ThreadID: 10606 Views:2086 Replies:3 FollowUps:4
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Nappa Merrie (Cooper Ck) today is 4.14 metres and steady, Innamincka is 5.80 metres and rising. Diamantina at Birdsville is 6.7 metres and falling slowly. Evaporation has been very marked today. The green pick appearing has brought the sticky flies, grasshoppers everywhere (especially on all our green lawns) and locusts. Quilpie has been hit bad with locusts and the planes are over there aerial spraying. This heat is really bad - 49 today and last night minimum of 34. Right now it is still 40 and the humidity is very high.
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Reply By: Member - Andrew & Jen (Melb) - Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:07

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:07
I think that in you next post you should tell everyone how beautiful it will be in Birdsville in the next month. Jen is anxious that she might be hot when she gets there in April - but it will be pleasant by then, right?2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
AnswerID: 47145

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:11

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:11
Jen, it will be beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Would I lie to you? April is always lovely - even if it's pouring and muddy. If it's still hot you can sleep in the a/c in the house!!! Thanks for the help with the photos I'm about to find out if your emailed one has worked. If it hasn't I'm going to give up for tonight - I have brain drain. I'll try and sent beautiful positive post tomorrow. Thanks again.These are Diamantina Barra
FollowupID: 309110

Reply By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:24

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2004 at 23:24
Thanks Andrew & Jen - second photo uploaded. This is the SS Betoota on top of the bridge facing back towards town from the old windmill. Skipper is Captain Pugwash and our two nurses from the Clinic. Thanks.These are Diamantina Barra
AnswerID: 47148

Reply By: Member - Cocka - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:14

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:14
G'day Ruth
Thanks for the pics Ruth.
Does anybody ever say "struth, Ruth" ? That's what I said when I saw the pics. Why the difference in the height datum posts, is one in a hole or something. Guess I'd better put an extension up on the snorkle of the Patrol and take the suspension lift up from 2" to 2 meters.

I've been off the air for a couple of weeks, first with a stomach virus caught whilst camping at Myall Lakes, then the computer decided to blow it's knickers and had to get a serevice. But all is well now, I'm 6kg lighter and the wallet's about the same.

You guys sure look as though you are having fun. What do you do/use to ward of those damn flies, I reacon they will be pretty bad at Easter. Are you offering any survival tips ??
We will aim to be out there around 23-24 Apr. That's a couple of months away so hope all is settled down by then.

Carpe Diem
AnswerID: 47211

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:32

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:32
Sorry to hear you and the computer have been crook. I wear a fly veil/mosquito veil over my hat, especially when fishing. I can't put anything like rid, off or those things on my skin. Will you be still here on Anzac Day - we do the whole thing, starting with the rum very early - Gunfire Breakfast, Dawn Service, real breakfast, March at 9:30, Service at the Memorial at 10:00, Morning tea (to keep them out of the Pub until they open the doors) then liquid lunch and Two-Up in the afternoon - no-one ever made it to tea-time! The water seems to be dropping fast now - today it's 6.45 metres. If this heat keeps up will play havoc with the wild flowers though. Finally got the fish photo up (the river should still be fishing well when you get here).These are Diamantina Barra
FollowupID: 309179

Follow Up By: Member -Bob & Lex (Sydney) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:08

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:08
Sounds like I should come April instead of May, Just might if Lex can't get hols for May.Regards Bob
Where to next
FollowupID: 309185

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 18:35

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 18:35
Bob you just want to come and drink rum and play two-up. Anzac Day is pretty special here. We are having a big one next year - it will be the week before the start of the SA Cattle Drive and the SA Vietnam Veterans have asked if they could run it - they did a couple of years ago. Gee we were pleased to see them go!!!These are Diamantina Barra
FollowupID: 309218

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