Tuesday, Mar 04, 2014 at 12:14
Recently got my Desert Parks pass a week ago for late April crossing, and noticed no mention of the proposed new sand flag rule . . . I had seen the Four Wheel Drive Aust website notice quite a few weeks ago, and was expecting something in the info, so I emailed them to confirm.
The reply received last week was . . .
"In regards to your email regarding the flags, I have been told that it will be mandatory for all vehicles to have one but we have not been told officially as yet!
So my best advice is to have all vehicles fitted with one just in case you are stuck in the Desert when it does become mandatory."
Not sure they could actually fine anyone before it gets put into at least an amendment sheet in the pass info packs, maybe a warning.
That said, we always use a flag in dunes, be it outback, Vic Desert parks, or down the SE
Limestone Coast dune tracks.
Common sense stuff, and has saved me having a head on once down near
A few in our group may not have a flag, but ifthey don't wish to fit one for whatever reason, they would be placed
well in the middle of the pack.
The UHF use is critical too, both calling ch 10 often (at least every second dune) and scanning on hand held for other chatter.
As soon as you hear it, you know you're pretty close.
The bugga of it is though, that many don't reply to a call apparently, as reported by many doing the crossing.
Maybe they just don't know how to respond or they think they're not part of the conversation, who knows ?