Air Con.
Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 13:51
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I know this is not 4by realted, however there are a lot of West Ozy's on the site.
Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on Western Power's "Power Restrictions".
I'm also wondering if shope like Harvey Norman and Retravision should put signs on all of their air conditioners saying "Keep's your house cool, but you can't use it if it's a 35c day or hotter".
I wonder if anyone is near the Western Power Head office and can go into the admin and see if their air conditioners are still switched on?
Reply By: Member - Peter (York) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:24
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:24
what about parliment , ?????????99 GU Patrol 4.2 TD
York 4x4
Whiskey 4501
Reply By: Matt (W.A.) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:29
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 15:29
I heard from a reliable source that they had their Aircon on this morning WP that is...........Keep It On The Rough Stuff
Matt (W.A.)
Reply By: jeff-wa - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:17
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:17
Yeah total Crock if you ask me, I'm going
home this arvo and my Air con is going on. If the power goes off, I've got the big Genset from work fully load with ULP and loaded in the back of the 4by. Air con and TV IS on tonight!
Reply By: shortgq - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:37
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:37
Yes, I was wondering myself about Western Power and their aircons!! How good is it, you work your ring off, pay your dues, then save up your hard earned cash to install an aircon for a little bit of luxury. keeps the missus off your back, kids leave you alone and then our backward society says you can't run them. Great, i have $5000 of aircon on my roof, not worth *&^% all today!! i can't wait to be able to put it on IN WINTER. What next??
Reply By: Voxson (Adelaide) - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:39
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 16:39
Are you guys serious?.... No A/C if it is 35 degrees or more?....___________________________________
Simpson trip 05/04 then turn left at
Birdsville to
Darwin via
Lawn Hill etc
Follow Up By: jeff-wa - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:03
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:03
Some wise arse decided his morning that people in WA are putting to much of a strain on the power
grid so:
(This is quoted out of the front page of the West Australian Newspaper).
Air-Conditioning and water heaters must not be used, unless required for the treatment of an illness or comfort of persons suffering from an illness.
Cooking is limited to the use of one hot plate, oven, grill or microwave appliance at a time.
Internal Lighting is limited to two rooms lighting at a time. External lighting must not be used.
Refridgeration (including deep freezing) must not be used except for the extent absolutally necessary to prevent loss or deterioration of food.
Water reticulation and swimming
pool pumps must not be used and automatic time switches must be turned off.
Follow Up By: Boeing - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:09
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:09
Voxson, They are...... I went to a breakfast seminar this morning and the function centre could not turn on the A/C as it would incur a $10K fine. Sweat was dripping off me.
Western Power are doing some upgrades or is that downgrades...and you can't have
pool motors on, turn off the lights. It is suppose to rain in the hills tonight so the humidity is high also.....
Oh and the head of Western Power is on about $250K or more a year and commutes between Melb and
Perth ... Oh
well at least HIS family will be cool.
Follow Up By: jeff-wa - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:13
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:13
Upgrades my ass, its called poor planning and penny pinching. Their resevours of gas ran low and they were feeding directly of the pipline and could not sustain normal power output. Pathetic. You should have seen the fax I sent to them this morning, I was angry but I still chuckled after proof reading it. Di&kheads.
Follow Up By: Member - Eskimo - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:56
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:56
and we thought we had were living in a third world country eh Voxson?
Geez we have good compared to them. But wait till they get they're upgrade going....we never will !!!Wow, am I cute! The extra long legs are built-in prevention against ducks disease. Great looks and a real goer. Doesnt waddle along like some.
Reply By: Will - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:10
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:10
power restrictions, water restrictions, what next?
Follow Up By: Boeing - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:24
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:24
Higher taxes because they can't sell enough water or enough power as they can't supply either.....bloody disgrace.They will not let you use washing machine water for the garden, have not looked into ways of recycling household water .
Western Power send out flash propaganda with their bills but can't deliver electricity.
Reply By: Mark - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:53
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 17:53
How long would a private company last that actually advertised for its customers to stop using its products (WA has both water and power restrictions - and TV adverts to telling us to conserve both) !!!
And our really
bright spark pollies want to privatise Western Power. Imagine the restrictions and price increases that would bring about. But at least if it was a private company, the shareholders would sack top management for being so utterly incompetent.
Instead we have leather chair polishing bueracrats telling us to turn off kindy and school airconditioners so my 4 & 6 year old kids suffer in this humid heat while they swan around in their air conditioned offices and cars telling us its "our fault" for using too much power.
Am I livid, too bloody right!!! At least in the National Australia Bank fiasco the top brass fell on their swords. Watch the pollies and bueracrats blame everyone but themselves for this fiasco.
WA always has and will continue to have hot weather in summer, yet they cannot seem to work out how much power we need (here's a tip, see what the peak was last year and add 10% for starters).
Cheers (with cold drink in hand)
Follow Up By: jeff-wa - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 18:50
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 18:50
We have a very fast growing
population in WA and all these people are quite happy to take all that extra money in rates, bills and taxes, however they cannot seem to actually plan how all these new homes are going to be supplied with the basics of power and water!
Reply By: WDR - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 19:42
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 19:42
Try living in
Water is disappearing (restrictions in place) and the greens will not agree to the state govt buiding a new damn
dam where they want to. Their votes would count so fait acompli.
New trains don't work so have been withdrawn.
Safety systems have been turned off for some reason so we end up with trains running into each other and killing passengers.
Now the drivers are refusing overtime so 80 trains a day are being cancelled.
Guess what - fares are going up.
Everyone has resorted to their cars so traffic goes nowhere (so what is new in NSW)
Don't go to public hospital (some of them anyway) you may not survive apparently.
We have a couple of groups shooting each other.
We have another group rioting against the boys in blue.
Kids are cooking in classrooms but we cannot afford airconditioners for the future of our country - or the electrical system is too old to handle air-conditioning or something and they cannot afford to replace it all. Teacher sare also upset about pay rates so guess what is coming there.
Fire engines seem to be running.
Parking inspectors appear to be healthy and active.
No bush fires to speak of this year
The jack is running O'K so I am off to the South Coast soon.
I guess you get what you vote for
Follow Up By: jeff-wa - Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 19:54
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at 19:54
What is it with train strikes? We had one on Monday!?
PS. I didnt get what "I" voted for ;-)
But oh
well, that's why we have camping gear and 4wD's hey! So we can tell them to all get dekcuf (read backwards) and bugger off somwhere they can't touch us (until they tell us to leave our tyres pumped up) hee hee.
Power restrictions are now lifted, not that it was going to stop me putting my aircon on flat strap when I picked my 6 year old son up and went
home tonight. 42c in his classroom, no aircon. Deserves a break. 4KVA Geny is full of fuel, BRING IT ON!