Thursday, Mar 13, 2014 at 14:55
I am a firm believer in the athletes creed Doug, "No Pain No Gain"
A thousand dollar fine is nothing these days, it is to you or me but plenty of people these days spend that on a weekend or a night out, apparently, so what good can that thousand dollar fine do.
I say take their pride and joy away from them and see how they feel about that. But catch them in the act first or you could be hanging the wrong person of course.
Actually Doug, I never twigged what was happening at
Dalveen other than the place looked untidy and the campers beside me got up, dressed, generally messed around for about half an hour then took off leaving their tent errected. I thought what was that about???.
Then as I headed to the
toilets I past a couple of fellows sitting at the picnic tables eating what looked like egg soup, some sort of soup with an egg dropped in it, and when I asked them how they were going they looked blankly at me. I heard them speak and it sounded somewhat like German but I could not be sure. They were backpackers also getting set for the day ahead. I think they were in a bongo type van or something, certainly they were not in a tent.
Now these people should have been accommodated at some location on one of the farms. It would not take much to set it up. Two loos, his and hers, two basic shower facilities and a rough sort of
camp kitchen. That would have been better than what was on offer at
Dalveen for them.
How much would that cost the farmers, "sweet fanny adams" but then they would have the problem in their backyard I suppose.
Don't get me wrong, if I was employing seasonal workers I would have a
camp set up here for them no trouble. It is not that difficult.
So there are no excuses, other than the hoary old insurance ones which have been done to death.
Re fouling beaches Doug, it does not matter to them, they are moving on in a week.
Joe used to tell me that you got severely fined in Germany if you so much as washed your car in the street. That is why it is so clean and maybe we need to start doing something along those lines here.
Cheers, Bruce.
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