Roxby Downs SA to Brisbane - stopovers help

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 14:55
ThreadID: 107099 Views:1660 Replies:4 FollowUps:7
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Very soon we have to get from Roxby Downs SA to Brisbane (approx 23hrs travel time) and we have 3 days for the trip. It's not for sightseeing - we have to pick up a new camper in Brisbane.

We plan to leave Roxby Downs early in the afternoon and want to drive for about 6 hours the first day. Any recommendations on an overnight place to stay a few hours west of Broken Hill?

We'd like to drive for about 10-11 hours on day 2. Any recommendations for a place/town to stop (no detours wanted)? We just want clean, reasonably priced accom with food nearby.

Any recommendations greatly appreciated. We haven't travelled much of this route before.
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Reply By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 15:16

Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 15:16
Hi Jos,

Wilcannia, 200k pat Broken Hill is OK these days. (Once had a poor reputation)
Then Brewarrina, 100k past Bourke has a good caravan park that is secure. They have an Italian Maremma Sheepdog named "Brew" who will welcome you.
A further 150k will get you to St George. Pelican Rest caravan park on the Eastern side on main road can be recommended. From there it is an easy day's drive to Brisbane via either Toowoomba or Warwick.

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AnswerID: 529887

Follow Up By: Jos - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:36

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:36
Thanks Allan. I'm not sure about caravan parks on the way east as I won't have my new camper yet - but maybe on the way back.
FollowupID: 812740

Follow Up By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:48

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:48
Of course Jos, I overlooked that!
Victory Park Caravan Park in Wilcannia, the Shire Caravan park in Brewarrina, and Pelican Rest at St George all have cabins if that suits you. So of course do have others en route.
I do not remember any cabin facilities at Olary. Certainly no motel.

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FollowupID: 812743

Reply By: Les PK Ranger - Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 19:46

Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 19:46
Not sure if this would suit your drive / vehicle, etc . . . just before Xmas I drove Orroroo - Brisvegas (2 days).

If you were ok to go off the blacktop for a few hundred km, I took a detour up the Wilcannia - Bourke Rd and camped at Parnoo - Darling 'Horses & Coaches' campground, on the Darling River, beaut spot.
Was $10 / night camp fee per adult.

This is about 2 hrs drive to the dirt after Wincannia, then from memory 40 or so km on the the park turnoff.
Just checked Google maps, it is at -31.455455, 143.827674 / 31°27'19.6"S 143°49'39.6"E
AnswerID: 529896

Follow Up By: Jos - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:40

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:40
I won't have my camper on the way over east, but I'll definitely look at camping options for the return journey. Thanks.
FollowupID: 812742

Follow Up By: Les PK Ranger - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 12:39

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 12:39
Sorry my post was a bit jumbled there at the end too . . . Wilcannia is about 2 hrs past Broken Hill, the turnoff just east of Wilcannia, and the the 40km or so north along the Bourke Rd to the camp in Paroo - Darling CP.

Yes, on the way back might make a nice spot to put out the camper for its first run :)

That 300km of dirt road was pretty easy travelling in most parts, animals as you'd expect early / late in the day, goats, roos, emus, lots of birds, quite interesting.
I believe the western side tracks of the Darling, also leading from Wilcannia to Bourke are less of a road, very much tracks in some parts, but my trip at the time required making reasonable time.
That 300km dirt saved that big dogleg on the blacktop via Cobar, course you could always go Nyngan, and the Newell Hwy, maybe for the trip up.
FollowupID: 812751

Reply By: Dave B ( ADL) - Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 22:45

Saturday, Apr 05, 2014 at 22:45
Jos, after Peterborough, there isn't much choice west of Broken Hill. Either the Mannahill or Olary Hotel. Both have accomodation as far as I know, but would pay to ring them first.
Watch for kangaroos from around dusk.

'Wouldn't be dead for quids'

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AnswerID: 529906

Follow Up By: Jos - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 09:44

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 09:44
Thanks Dave. Looking at the map, that's what I suspected. Probably Olary it is - looking online, it seems they run power off a generator there, so I have to get there well before 10pm when it's lights out.
FollowupID: 812732

Follow Up By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 09:58

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 09:58
Directly opposite the Olary pub is a free rest area with good public toilets. Each night several motorhomes & caravans stop there.
Only thing is that it is right next to the rail line and you will probably get a train or two during the night. Good time for a comfort break! lol
The Olary pub is not half-bad either if you arrive in time.

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FollowupID: 812735

Reply By: Kilcowera Station Stay - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 05:45

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 05:45
What sort of camper are you buying? Cheers Toni
AnswerID: 529912

Follow Up By: Jos - Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:38

Sunday, Apr 06, 2014 at 10:38
I'm getting a Conqueror UEV440. Can't wait.
FollowupID: 812741

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