Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014 at 09:42
Hi SapperD
we camped in the bush along the route Sapper (were you really in the RE's?)
Now...I know what the Permit states but my view is that the terms are:
a) internally inconsistent-almost impossible to interpret logically;
b) could result in a driver making dangerous speeds/decisions; and
c)adhering to the rules would really ruin the trip completely after all the journey is why most people do it.
[Just for interest...we flagged down a vehicle after an o'night
camp in an area used by road gangs (at least that's what it looked like). I had 'lost' my phone at the
camp site and couldn't get the Satphone to register the units I had purchased prior to leaving on the trip. I needed someone with a phone to ring my number and phone so I could locate it. We were only 10kms or so from
Kintore and I knew there was a signal. Guess what - the first car that came along contained 4 police officers!
They were great - phoned my phone - which rang - and it was in the closed up CUB camper all the time! I fully expected them to ask to see my permit but they just wished me G'day and carried on.
We also spoke to several aboriginal people along the way and nobody asked for it. I did have one of course.
So...I suspect that as long as people do the right thing - (don't sell alcohol or drugs en-route don't go
miles inland to secure/steal precious artefacts etc etc) then the landowners probably would love you to enjoy the land as much as they do.
Of course maybe this is all just me justifying my actions but I hope everybody understands]
Having said all that it took us 5 overnight camps en-route but one of those was 'forced' because we would have arrived at
Kunawarritji on a Sunday (no fuel on Sundays) if we hadn't spent the extra night on the road.