Aussies, Buy a bale

Submitted: Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 20:27
ThreadID: 109673 Views:2503 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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Just a reminder to many of the generous people from exploroz, about the need to still donate bales of feed for our primary producers.

There has been some great support from transport companies, general companies, fuel merchants, farmers donating hay and individual people helping support farmers and property owners.

If any have a spare few dollars for a bale or fuel, please think about it. Often we go through our lives and never think of the hardships and uncertainty of a farmer or property owner.

buyabale photos of help
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Reply By: Member - johnat - Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 21:19

Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 21:19
Maybe more use (and better response?) if you said where the bales were to be distributed.

I have, as it happens, just finished a month with just 11mm of rainfall when the average for the month of September is 43mm, and have had just 3 years since July 2001 when the rainfall average was exceeded. Last Jul-Jun (ie Jul 2013-Jun 2014) we measured 300mm BELOW the long term average (which is actually 650mm).

So you can see why I would need to see that the donations were going somewhere deserving!
AnswerID: 539743

Follow Up By: Slow one - Wednesday, Oct 01, 2014 at 06:35

Wednesday, Oct 01, 2014 at 06:35
Here is a graph of where the bales have been dropped.


If you go to the buyable site and open the FAQs header you can see how to access help.

I have no connection to buy a bale I just donate.
FollowupID: 824410

Reply By: olcoolone - Thursday, Oct 02, 2014 at 18:07

Thursday, Oct 02, 2014 at 18:07
This is a fantastic charity to donate money, goods or services to, on average we get 20 phone calls a week from charities we have never heard of before and have no way of knowing what our money will be used for....... these charities we don't give to...... we would sooner see where our money is going and would sooner have it help many who are in need and not a few.

The great thing I like about "Buy a bale" is it's at the coal face helping those who have never had a voice before nor ask for help.... and a part of the community we take for granted..... the farmers.

Not only does it help the farmers out directly it also helps the smaller communities they are part of by increasing moral that in turn increases spending helping to keep locals in jobs and businesses to stay open....... with out a strong community; farming is dead and with out farming communities are dead.

On thing many don't see, hear or know about is the increased risk of suicide and illness in these communities and the flow on effect it has to all involved.

It might be time to sit back and have a good hard think of what it would be like to be a 4 generation farmer in drought with little income knowing that their children don't want to work the very piece of land they have grown up on and the 4 generations of family it has supported for many years is coming to an end...... for many farmers this is a everyday reality and must be heart breaking for them to make the decision enough is enough..... the lucky ones drive of the land to a new life.... the not so lucky ones...... they are not going to drive anywhere anymore and they think there life is not worth living..... ending it there and then.

It's funny the industry that has the biggest impact on the people, economy and lives of every Australian has the least media coverage, maybe we have all become conditioned to it and learnt to turn blind eye....... maybe we don't understand the full impact and how bad it is.... who knows but if we all started helping the farmers in these areas Australia may become the country it once was.

In South Australia we had a South Australia icon; Spring Gully face going the way of the Dodo, wit a little bit of media help over a very short period and customer support they ended up expanding and became profitable again.... we kept an Icon.

This also proved to the big supermarket giants; us here in South Australia want to keep buying local products and that their own imported home brand stuff was not needed or would be accepted.

We had a similar thing with Golden North Ice Cream getting kicked out of the Adelaide Zoo...... again people power steeped in and won.

Maybe this is what we should be doing more for our farmers buy getting supermarkets to by and stock more Australian grown and manufactured products and pay our producers an acceptable amount for their goods instead of screwing them.

But for many choosing between an imported cheaper product over an Australian made more expensive product in most eyes is s no brainier..... cheap seems to win every time....... and with a think now and not the future attitude of many it is only going to get worse unless we act and help or manufactures and farmers.

The "Buy a bale" website is very interesting to view and I think we should all get behind it and help where we can...... even if it's only $5 or some can offer other forms of help...... maybe we could all give up that coffee and cake, the meal out with the family or that carton of beer or smokes for one week and give that money to this charity....... they need it more then most of us.
AnswerID: 539805

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