Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014 at 06:02
We have very different opinions about this obviously, but to call any part of any Simmo crossing route 'a super highway capable of being driven in 2wd' is just plain bad info to put out here.
I'll leave my vehicle in 2wd until I feel the need to go 4wd . . . and the torque of the 3.0 TD would get me a long way in 2wd, a lot further than when I do normally go 4h or low, but why run until you totally need it ?
That environment and remoteness, you shouldn't be putting any extra stresses on your vehicle than necessary, and running a 4wd in 2wd mode is just ridiculous and increasing risks of something failing.
Yes. It IS irresponsible to do what you said.
I wouldn't contemplate crossing the Simmo in anything but a 4wd IN 4wd mode.
'the Simpson if travelled on the common tracks is not that difficult in good conditions.'
If it had recently rained and the dune sands were dampened and hard, sure it would be a cake walk then in any mode (even on a pushbike or on foot, if fit enough).
But again, you should still run 4wd, why possible reaon can you have to not do so ?
It's just plain common sense that running 4h or 4l the front and rear drives working in unison will pull you over dunes much more easily, why bother having a 4wd and not using it where it's designed for ?
Why degrade those tracks in any condition by hitting them harder ? (And you will hit them harder.)
There's enough volume of traffic to do that without people unnecessarily churning things up in 2wd, and of course it would be destructive.
Joel Fleming Direct 4WD ?
If Joel recommends running a 4wd on a Simmo crossing in 2wd mode, then I don't hold him in much regard as an industry expert.
'. . . how capable a
well set up 2wd with a competent drivers is.' ?
So now if I or others don't (can't) do it in 2wd, you're suggesting we're not competent drivers ?
No, my reply was to ' the Simpson is a super highway and most people who do it will only use 2wd high.'
Open diff / lsd / hubs unlocked ? Running 2 low rear drive only via an override switch across the Simmo, why ?
I bet you a slab the great majority are doing the right thing on the crossing are running 4wd engaged, not 'most people who do it will only use 2wd high' . . . that's completely unfounded.
That's all my opinion, but I suspect many others.
It's also my last input on this thread about it.
If you differ, then so be it but I wouldn't consider doing a run across with someone in those dunes and sensitive terrain (that has to be shared by many others) and they were trying to be . . .
well, I'm not sure what or why, but with anyone wanting to use 2wd through the Simmo on any route, for no good reason apart from 'it can be done'.