Monday, Oct 27, 2014 at 08:35
"Wind the statement back 200 years and it takes on a completely different context."
For sure but in another 200 years are we going to be the ones fighting for the use of the land we were born in.....
You have to put the past behind you as like most
places on this earth there were conflicts whereby one country would overtake another to rule....... and it is still going on today.
So in another 20 years when all the elders who have an active interest in their culture and
heritage have passed and then what..... it gets handed down to a generation who don't give a damn about their culture and
heritage unless it involves so coin.
Yes native title was a good idea but now like so many things do gooders do; it starts to erode the original issues, concept and why something is put in place.
Go back 60-100 years and the do gooders at
the churches screwed thing up big time with how they thought and dealt with the aboriginal people....... on to find out in the future the damage they actually did...... but like any story in time it's hard to say if it was the right decision s made or not for the time.
As with
the churches who made the wrong decisions 60-100 years ago that they thought were right for the time ...... are we going to look back in 60-100 years time and say "what did we do, we got it all wrong..... again"
As I said above I have the up most respect for the aborigines and what was done to them looking back now was wrong but this rift that was around 60-200 years ago is starting all over again and it is getting back to "us" and "them" all over again.
Common rights for all cultures should be the same here in Australia.
Yes I have seen first hand what rights in the wrong hands do for farmers, property owners and developments.
The ones who win are the lawyers.