Tuesday, Nov 25, 2014 at 22:28
Ok I am very slow tonight.
I See Michelle that it is the PC version.
1)Download the maps from the bulk map location in the link above.
2)Click on Map>Map List...>Refresh Map List
3)Put the maps in one of the folders highlited or add another folder and put the maps in that. (You need ALL 3 2015 EO topo files)
4)Now hit ok ( do steps 2 and 3 again after the files are in the folder)
5)Make sure your cursor is pointing to somewhere in Australia and right click, the EO topo map shouldnow show up. Select it.
6)IF it looks ok, you are
home. If it looks like the map above then click on DMS on the top tool bar.
Log in, click on the EO topo map and activate the map.
Now it should be ok if you bought it.
Hopefully that is it.