east from Nullagine

Submitted: Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 15:10
ThreadID: 11100 Views:2546 Replies:6 FollowUps:6
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Hi all
Seems like nobody has tavelled the Anthill track from Nullagine through to Rudall River. Maybe a few of us grey nomads may have to be the first in june.


ding dong
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Reply By: Member - George (WA) - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 17:27

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 17:27
Have not heard of the Anthill track but I do know the track from Nullagine to Rudall River via Carawine Gorge and Niftyu mine
AnswerID: 49555

Reply By: Member - Peter (York) - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 18:53

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 18:53
have traveled the Skull springs rd From Nullagine via the Oakover rivercrossing , where is the Anthill track in relation to it, you will have to plot the track and put a file up on the plot file index ,would be interested to here more about it
AnswerID: 49572

Follow Up By: dingdong - Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 20:05

Monday, Mar 08, 2004 at 20:05
Hi guys
Anthill track runs off Skull Springs rd not far out of Nullagine heads east between Sunday hill & Anthill peak cotinues on a bit then meets up with a track that heads north east , ( Nifty mine is marked here on Hema maps but is incorrect ) towards Skull springs road again about halfway to where it intersects Skullsprings rd it turns S east then southagain before turning east near Mt Hodgson then on to Meeting Gorge on western end Rudall River Ntn park.It is not shown on the hema maps you need lands dept. topo. maps.The country it runs through is supposed to be quite specci but my info is about 8 yrs old. Hope this fills you in a bit as this the only info that I can glean at this stage .
FollowupID: 311370

Reply By: Member - Bigbear - Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 16:38

Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004 at 16:38
Have a mat who went thru there solo a couple of years ago. Have done part of the track from Rudall River end back in 2002. It was fairly good track but rather slow going but shouldn't pose to much problem if you have a couple of vehicles.
AnswerID: 49673

Follow Up By: dingdong - Wednesday, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:54

Wednesday, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:54
Hi Bigbear
Would appreciate any more information you could furnish me with on track from either end . How far did you travel on it or any probs You or your mate may have encountered . Slowness is no worry for us so long as we are not going to wreck our vehicles or do ourselves a misdeed. I did hear a creek had become overgrown with trees & may be impassable
Hoping you may be able to help .
Cheers dingdong
Whisky 746
FollowupID: 311564

Follow Up By: Member - Bigbear - Thursday, Mar 11, 2004 at 15:53

Thursday, Mar 11, 2004 at 15:53
Ding dong
We went in from Rudall river crossing out to near the border of the Park. The track was OK but as I said a bit slow in places. Some places a bit overgrown with spinfex and so had to stop regularly to make sure no fires under vehicle. My mate went all the way thru several years ago< solo, and didn't encounter any serious problems getting thru. A lot can happen in that time and I know they have had some pretty heavy rain around Nullagine this wet season.
A good bet would be to get in touch with the people from the Nullagine store, they would be sure to know if anyone had been thru there recently and what the conditions were like.
At present the Skull Springs area is well and truly flooded, after cyclone Monty. Should be really nice after a few months when things have dried out a bit.
FollowupID: 311741

Reply By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Thursday, Mar 11, 2004 at 19:42

Thursday, Mar 11, 2004 at 19:42
I'm not familiar with the name Anthill track - but in '97 we did a trip from Nullagine across the Davis R (south) south to Christies Crossing on the Oakover, east to Bocrabee Hill, east to Meeting Gorge then on into Rudal R NP and out to Newman on the Talawana. The track from the Oakover was overgrown in patches but we had no trouble in the Subarus - a Brumby, a few 'L' series and 2 Liberties.

I could give you some more info if interested.
AnswerID: 49976

Follow Up By: Member - Bigbear - Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 14:41

Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 14:41
I remembered your post from sometime ago but couldn't find it.
Glad you popped up, looks like you may be able to help dingdong more than I can.
I would love to go thru there one day so if you have nyextra info can I have a copy too please.
FollowupID: 311881

Reply By: Member - Bigbear - Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 14:43

Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 14:43
By the way the pic is the Skull Springs Rd Xing of the Oakover River.
AnswerID: 50086

Reply By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 17:09

Friday, Mar 12, 2004 at 17:09
These are my rough notes for trip in '97 - done in older model Subarus

Start NullagineNullagine SF 5105 - Skull Spring Rd - on mapped Rd for 54km - then unmapped heading East, then South, then East to signpost “Woodie Woodie 57/ Nullagine 91” – SE to old airstrip and yards Wandanya Station – crossed Davis River -Balfour Downs SF5109 – Turned Left (South East) at Bench Mark FZ28 ?? track overgrown – camped in open 2km SE of Kurrajong Creek – crossed Tongololo Creek – 7.5 km from camp turn right at BM BFD9 heading Southerly (graded track Balfour Downs/Woodie Woodie ??) – turn left (East) to Christies Crossing –crossed Oakover River – heading East to Bocrabee Hill (small side trip to Canning Well about 33km return) - crossed RPF – headed South past west side of Bocrabee Hill (message bottle in tree near creek B/4 Bocrabee !)- 3kms South then East towards Tchuckardine Pool camped few kms onto Rudall map SF 5110– North past Meeting Gorge – picnic at Hanging Rock – ‘difficult’ steep sandy crossing of Tchuckardine Creek – East to Curran Curran Rock Holecamp wash in RH very cold water – SE then NE to Tjingkulatjatjarra Pool (nice camp site – ditto at Number 11 Pool) – on to Rudall River – camped at Kalkan Kalkan Soak
We stayed at Rudall R for 3 days and exited to Newman via Talawana Track – total of 7 days Nullagine to Newman
AnswerID: 50104

Follow Up By: dingdong - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 17:05

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 17:05
Hi all
Thanks guys for all your help hadn't checked my post for a few days infact had almost given up. Just been following Colins route through on maps .Where we want to try &.go tuns off Skull Springs rd is pretty close to Nullagine then heads east s east passing Sunday hills mine & Rove hills mine joining up with your track near Davis river crossing .
Colin our family are also Subaru fans I still currently own an 83' model 330,000 on clock & never been touched . Eldest daughter has new Outback all family have had one at sometime .
Thanks guys.
FollowupID: 312351

Follow Up By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 22:50

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 22:50
Good to hear that there are other Subaru fanatics out there - you know, on all the trips I have done to remote spots, the only 'soft roaders' I have ever seen are Subarus - usually ours!!??
The older models seem to go forever. My brothers first trip up the CSR in '83 was in 2 pre '79 uglies and a single range Leone - only problem they had was 1 puncture.
my 'family' Subaru list is - partner, 91 Brumby - brother, WRX (+ other various old 4WD) - sister-in-law, XS Forester (did have a GT) - son, '88 'L' TW - daughter, series 1 Liberty AWD.
My Forester is my 4th Subie - had '79 'ugly' then a break with Jackaroo, '91 'L' series (which I drowned!), 93 'L' series then the Forester.
I'm off th WA in June to the Calvert Ra again with some other Subaru Club members.
FollowupID: 312400

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