15 amp caravan leads

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 15:12
ThreadID: 111096 Views:3284 Replies:7 FollowUps:10
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Hi has anyone heard of compulsory testing of 15 amp power cords before use in Caravan parks in QLD and Vic?
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Reply By: Member - Rod N (QLD) - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 15:20

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 15:20
Yep. In the 23 messages on the caravaners forum. None provided any proof that the requirement is a legal requirement.
AnswerID: 545773

Follow Up By: Member - kev.h - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 16:06

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 16:06
Hi Ian & Ron
It varies and can be part of the C/Van Park W.H&S Policy then it can be enforced not sure how wide spread it is or if there is any legal requirement for temporary but is mandatory for permanent set ups at our local Council owned Park
FollowupID: 833400

Follow Up By: Member - Paul B (WA) - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 17:38

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 17:38
Getting to be as bad as the mining industry!
FollowupID: 833408

Reply By: Slow one - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 17:53

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 17:53
Never ever have we been asked about our 15a lead anywhere.

Ian. I think of it this way. If they started on the 15a feed lead then they would also have to see the test tags on your 10a leads and any appliances, plus tests for the van earth and earth leakage breaker test. Then maybe they could start on gas and want a yearly gas certificate. Then they could make it mandatory for your house to also have all these things in place as the public can enter your home. I think everyone would have a test and tag licence as the cost would be prohibitive. Guess the ATO's would be over the moon though.

Would be interesting, as I don't think it would take me to long to find small electrical problems at most van parks and sometimes large ones.

AnswerID: 545783

Follow Up By: Member - johnat - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:04

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:04
The "public" can only enter my home on invitation, not as a matter of course. I retain the right to deny anyone entry, including Council, Electricity authority people, etc.

Somewhat different at a caravan park, as they do not have a secure premises. They might be able to deny entry to places that can be secured (such as the office, ablutions blocks etc) but not to the grounds.

And, as they are not a "public place" - by the definitions used by councils etc - they do NOT have the right to insist that MY lead is tested, unless they state that it is required by their insurance. IF they claim that it is a legal requirement, they are W R O N G. (at this time, anyway - might change in time!)
FollowupID: 833428

Follow Up By: Slow one - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:52

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:52
Why? bet I can access your property anytime by just walking in (Me being the public). I could not give a flying something about it. I was just pointing out what can happen the same as you driving bleep on YOUR property, you can still be done for DUI. Tradespersons, electricity meter readers, livestock inspectors just happen to come to mind and the truck driver that has come to pick up the bales of hay that you have donated to Buy a Bale.

What really is the answer is. NO ONE INSISTS ON IT except if you are running a business.
Not councils, regulators or governments as I said.

Have a nice day.
FollowupID: 833435

Follow Up By: Member - PhilD_NT - Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 00:31

Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 00:31
johnat, I think that you should reassess your belief in "I retain the right to deny anyone entry, including Council, Electricity authority people, etc". In the case of some organisations if they require access to go about their Legislated obligations you do not have the right to bar access. As an example in the case of Councils it may well be the same Law as here and this is what our relevant Act says:
Power to enter land or premises
(1) An authorised person may, with the necessary authority, enter land or premises for an authorised purpose and remain on the land or premises for as long as may be necessary for that purpose.
(2) The necessary authority is:
(a) the consent of the occupier; or
(b) a warrant issued by a Justice; or
(c) in an emergency – the CEO's authorisation.
(3) A Justice may, if satisfied by information verified by oath, that there are reasonable grounds on which an authorised person should be authorised to enter land or premises to carry out an authorised purpose, issue a warrant accordingly.
(4) An authorised purpose is any one or more of the following:
(a) investigating a suspected offence against this Act or a by-law;
(b) taking necessary action in an emergency:
(i) to protect the health of, or prevent injury to, a person or animal; or
(ii) to relieve the suffering of an animal; or
(iii) to seize or destroy a savage, diseased or injured animal;
(c) destroying a dog that has, within the preceding 24 hours, attacked and injured a person in a public place;
(d) exercising any other power conferred on an authorised person by this Act or a by-law.
117 Assistance of police
An authorised person may call on a member of the Police Force for assistance in the exercise of powers under this Act (or a by-law).

Power, water, sewerage, communications or similar authorities may well have similar rights that over ride your own rights as their services enter your property.

You may well disagree with it but I wouldn't try enforcing your belief.
FollowupID: 833463

Follow Up By: Ron N - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:28

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:28
Stupid old Irish neighbour to Mum and Dad, quite a number of years ago (long before Port Arthur) - roared up some Water Supply workers that came on to his property to do some work on a drain or main, and told them to get off his property (it was about 5 acres).

They refused, and he then threatened them with a rifle. They retreated and called the Police.

Result - Stupid old Irishman was charged - relieved of his firearms - fined a very substantial amount - and warned by the Judge, the only reason he wasn't sent to jail, was because of his advanced age (he was around 75).

Judge also noted that all power, water and gas suppliers had the ability to enter private property for the (legal) purposes of carrying out repairs, reading meters, maintenance, and whatever else they needed to do, to ensure the continuity of supply, and the safe operation of their services.

Of course, it's common courtesy, that where extensive works/repairs/maintenance needs to be undertaken by authorities, the landowner is consulted and advised accordingly.

Cheers, Ron.
FollowupID: 833550

Reply By: Rob J8 - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:58

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 21:58
we have been away from the West since early August and have spent about 5 months in QLD. Hasn't all been in parks but when we have stayed in parks, not a word.
Going to Vic in about 3 weeks so if it happens there I'll let you know. Rob J
AnswerID: 545801

Reply By: Motherhen - Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 22:30

Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 at 22:30
As a test is no longer valid xx number of days or minutes after is has been tested and tagged, this often discussed idea would never work as they don't know that you haven't swapped ends and done incorrect re-wiring, or even run over the cord and damaged it. The only way a caravan park could do this in a practical way is if they supplied all the leads to be used in their park. It would come at a cost for park and caravanners, but cheaper for all in cost and time than getting everyone's leads tested and tagged all the time.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 545806

Follow Up By: Member - Ian F (WA) - Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 23:49

Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 23:49
Your spot on I often argued at work cables could be damaged 10 mins after being tested an unless the user thoroughly checks the lead, which they do not are non the wiser. As long long as it has the required coloured tag it is ok.
FollowupID: 833547

Reply By: Notso - Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:33

Friday, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:33
I've just finished a round Aus trip, including Vic and QLD, Never been asked to check the leads in any state of Aust. Stayed in parks run by mining companies and they have never asked for test tags.
AnswerID: 545851

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:23

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:23
If a Caravan Park owner wants to test my leads then that's fine - go straight ahead.
If the caravan park owner wants to charge me an extra $5 to do so, then they can go jump.
AnswerID: 545896

Reply By: Member - PhilD_NT - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:33

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:33
An alternate view.

The subject of Test & Tagging seems to be quite an emotive Topic, both here and on another Forum, and I really don't understand the position that many people take on this.

I'm not an Electrician and my experience is purely from Employee, Health & Safety Rep and Depot Support roles. I understand why it is becoming more wide spread though and see it as inevitable in one form or another in official Caravan Parks. Whether it be private, Council or Government owned places it is someone’s workplace and Unions, Insurance Companies, Lawyers and Govt WorkHealth Authorities will act to protect Employees and visitors from danger and prosecute those that they see at fault. The lack of physical and adequate signage restrictions on access in to the grounds of so many Caravan Parks does take away any claim that some have made about it not being a Public Place.

I'm constantly seeing in the Forums the claim that a Tag only indicates that it was valid as of the date on that Tag and doesn't mean that it is safe right up until the expiry of that Tag.


The Tagging should be seen as a form of Insurance and really has a minimal cost. I doubt that there are too many caravaner’s that don't have Insurance for their vehicles and do it to protect themselves in the event of something going wrong. Test & Tagging is no different. In the probably unlikely event of someone getting an electrical shock and possibly resulting in death there is going to be a Lawyer somewhere looking for someone to sue. In Court you would be highly likely to be asked a question such as "What did you do to ensure your (insert relevant device) was safe?". If you can show an in-date Tag and can state that before use you regularly visually inspect the device for obvious defects then you can at least show that you have taken some reasonable steps to ensure safety. It doesn't ensure that you will completely win but it sure as hell is better than the Court being told by the other side that you either don't care, don't see the point, are a skinflint even though the combined cost of your rig is $100,000+ or just don't believe in it. Having taken reasonable steps to ensure safety may well stop your own Insurance Company putting all the responsibility and cost back on to you. I doubt that too many RV'ers could afford the probable multi million dollar payout that a guilty finding may well result in, or even a period of detention.
As to the possibility that a cord has been altered at some time after being tested, if it didn't have the original plugs then you would have to prove that the repair was done by a qualified Electrician and if they were doing their job properly then they would have removed the now invalid Tag. If you didn't have them retest and tag then the legal liability would be back on you.

For the small inconvenience and cost is your future financial security worth not having your cords tested?
AnswerID: 545897

Follow Up By: Bigfish - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 11:29

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 11:29
Agree with all you said mate. I just finished up at Telstra and every 3 months EVERY 240volt item had to be checked and its cables tested/tagged. You would be surprised how many actually failed from cuts and damaged insulation after being used out side on jobs.

Its cheap insurance and serves a purpose.
Now anyone can go and do a course and be a qualified tester. Go out and buy the test machine, labels and printer. Advertise yourself on your caravan when travelling around and pick up some pocket money/small income.
FollowupID: 833566

Follow Up By: Member - Ian F (WA) - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 15:20

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 15:20
Thanks everyone for their input, if I had realised I was going to create a hornets nest I probably wouldn't have asked.
Further more I do carry a 15amp RCD $120 plus an Ampfibian $230 and the proper 15 amp cord so I am safety aware. If I had to have the cord tested it is ok.
FollowupID: 833578

Follow Up By: Bigfish - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 15:53

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 at 15:53
You didn't start a hornets nest mate. Hopefully people may remember to check their leads next time they use them. Most people have power boards, small leads and 15amp leads for their vans. If they get them all checked say once a year, its gotta be peace of mind. Especially with the flood of cheap Chinese electrical equipment.
FollowupID: 833582

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