Monday, Feb 23, 2015 at 01:23
I must confess, I've never actually sighted snake poo, nor would I even know what it looks like! - despite having lived and worked in the bush most of my life, and having dealt with and dispatched more than a few snakes!
Early childhood days were spent in the swamp country of East Wanneroo, where Tiger Snakes ruled, and I got chased by more than one! Don't recall ever sighting Tiger snake poo, either?
I was under the impression that snakes rarely crap, because their digestive juices are so effective!
I've never seen goanna poo, either, for that matter, and I wonder what that looks like, as
Maybe I've actually stumbled over heaps of snake poo, and just didn't recognise it? If I had've, I probably would have crapped myself a lot more than the snake ever did!