Review: High Country Victoria

My Shop Item Rating: My Rating 3/5

In our extensive High Country travels over many years the Hema High Country maps have been a constant companion. Each edition has improved on the previous; this 4th edition is no exception. The map is printed on durable plastic. The cartography is clear and easy to read. There are no contour lines, but shading of hills helps. Coverage is broad, including the Gippsland Lakes region and parts of East Gippsland, and from Wangaratta to Jindabyne in the north of the region. The 1:200,000 scale is good for planning and overviews, but a 1:50,000 or 1:100,000 (e.g. Rooftop or VicMap) is preferable for navigation. Unfortunately the Hema map contains a number of errors: for example it shows the Rams Horn Track connecting with Cobberas Trail, which hasn't been the case for more than 20 years. Such errors do not inspire confidence. We would not recommend using this as your only map when travelling in the High Country.
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