Thursday, Mar 05, 2015 at 11:33
Its been an upsetting question for a long time Val , and the answer is essentially no , but anythings possible - despite having the best lawyers create an unbustable contract there are teams right now trying to do just that in the case of Victorias East/West link road contract as they smell the potential 1 billion compensation.
For various reasons I keep good records and on the 4wd_Out_of _Melbourne site on may 25 2002 at 9:05 this question was raised and I believe contributed to a significant lost of site support as for a while trips were effectively banned from being discussed because of an over the top response to liability issues.
I am currently organizing 3 trips but I won't spend much time here on the actual subject as its now history , but its a reason though why sites like this and many other areas have disclaimers and "I accept " buttons etc.
At that time no single case was shown to exist, and fortunately we have moved on to have "good Samaritan legislation" which makes it less likely again.
If your getting paid , tour operator , in a comp event or you act in a manner to the effect of saying "Do it my way, or get lost" then of course that changes things.
Your question made by
check my response in 2002 and it looks like I haven't changed my position.
My reponse then was approximately as below .
The first thing and insurance salesman does when he sees you is to tell you about the house that burned down just a few streets way.
But today there is a chance that ->
1/ I will win Tatts
2/ Die in car accident
3/ Will be sued for a trip I organize
4/ Trade my Patrol for a Toyota.
There always a remote possibility of the above happening , but I don't think I will re-organize my life accordingly.