Explorer Fridge Freezer
Submitted: Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 00:00
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Does anyone have any info on the Explorer Fridge Freezer DC 56. I'm thinking of updating my Engel, that is about 10 years old to a unit with a fridge and freezer.
Reply By: Paul - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 00:00
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 00:00
I have a DC45, 30L fridge with 15L freezer and I love it. It has the Danfoss BD35F motor which my last Waeco had but with insulation to die for and a heat extraction fan. I have not used it a lot yet but in tests a couple days away and at
home it has been excellent.
The freezer is a genuine freezer unit but be careful as it does not work as a domestic freezer as in your kitchen. Our kitchen ones work off blown air which means you have minus 18 degree air circulating around the freezer compartment which is how it freezes things so quickly. The freezer in the explorer is the same as the fridge section but with more cooling pipes round around the freezer section. But don't get me wrong, it will freeze what is inside it just takes a lot longer than the freezer attached to your fridge. And if you put frozen things in then they will stay frozen. Also, as it is all one cooling pipe, the freezer knob overrides the fridge knob so you need to fiddle around to get ideal settings for your conditions.
I have heard a couple unpleasant stories about the explorer and i believe any shortcomings have been rectified over the last couple years. With the fan I cannot believe how quickly it draws down to cycling temperature compared to the same compressor without a fan in my previous Waeco 30L. This i imagine translates to significantly reduced current draw. 4WD Monthly did an amazing
test on fridges last year and the exlporer rated very highly which drew my attention to them, and the model used on the
test did not have the extraction fan. I come from
Brisbane and last summer we pretty much had a our hottest summer in my lifetime so i really appreciate the importance of decent insulation, and the insulation on the explorer is about as good as an evakool and more robust.
The fan is a little whinny which I intend to email them about but no so significant that i have got round to it yet.
Also it is fairly heavy but I don't intend to be taking it out of my wagon much and it is heavy because it is so strong and there is so much insulation.
If you are dead keen on power usage I can run tests this weekend if you want, can contact me direct at myredcar@hotmail.com if want any further info.
Reply By: Paul - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 00:00
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 00:00
Me again Steve, I'd also like to know what other fridge/freezers there are out there. The new Waeco CCF 50 has a separate compartment that is colder than the other but it is not a freezer and not advertised as such in the intructions brochure - and by the way has exactly the same motor as the Explorer. I know that Liemack from South Australia make a true fridge freezer but the cost and weight of their combination models was very scary - however, it may
well be the domestic type I don't know which if money and weight was no object would be worth a look at.
Follow Up By: Blackie - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 00:00
Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 00:00
The Waecco website reckons its a freezer numerous times.
From what I have discovered the smaller section is the fridge or dairy section as they call it
the balance is the freezer.these models are still available at about $987.00