Saturday, Mar 14, 2015 at 13:38
you would normally get organised before hand
im just letting you know that many tablets have the capability to run USB sticks without interfacing with a computer
also my coment about librarys and telecentres is also valid
he just mentions about being on the road - many to most even out of the way
places have public access to computers so transferring like ive mentioned would not normally be an issue
my biggest mistrust about exchanging SD cards is ive learnt not to do this if possible as on a few occasions ive ended up with devices saying the card needs formatting - where ever possible i use non card removal options for this reason --- paranoid? maybe but as I said i have been bitten before let alone the risk of losing the tiny things
anyhow theres no question transferring data like he requires has no one correct answer and the proverbial "more than one way to skin a dead cat" comes to mind