<span class="highlight">Ningaloo</span> Station Under Threat ......

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015 at 22:52
ThreadID: 117219 Views:7720 Replies:8 FollowUps:10
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I can't see where this has been posted previously. Ron Moon has posted the following on his facebook page on behalf of the owners of Ningaloo Station.

Once again Ningaloo Station is under threat from a government takeover .... 'for conservation purposes' or so says the WA Dept of P&W .... so that a 500 bed resort can be built at Winderbandi Point, (pictured) amongst other development structures. Check out the FB page https://www.facebook.com/ningaloostation?fref=ts ......
or continue reading below and email a minister or the WA premier your opposition to this. Lets save this stretch of coast for all Australians, not those ones well heeled enough to stay at another bloody fancy resort.

You may have read in the West Australian paper [dated Saturday March 7 and Monday March 9 ] the Liberal/National government has had unrelenting pressure applied to them from the Department of Parks and Wildlife, formally Conservation and Land Management [CALM], formally Department of Environment and Conservation [DEC] to completely take over Ningaloo station and all of the "Wilderness camping" areas, all in the name of "Conservation". Minister Redman has said the Ningaloo coast regional strategy Carnarvon to Exmouth will be implemented and 100 bed Eco Lodges will be let to the highest bidder for Winderabandi Point, a 500 bed tourist node including accommodation, eco lodges, caravan parks food,grocery and fuel out lets at Ningaloo homestead, four camping sites with commercial eco camp style accommodation all situated on the firm flats at both North and South Lefroy bays and Janes bay will become day use only.
In essence DPaW has again raised its ugly head and is relentlessly pushing government to resume ALL OF NINGALOO STATION for development to the highest bidder. Shops, fuel out lets, Eco tents and closed areas with draconian conditions/and limitations will be applied to Ningaloo station unless the tide can be changed.
We ask if each and every individual person you know who has an affiliation or love of "Wilderness camping" on the Ningaloo coast email and ring the following to express their disapproval of the Department of Parks and Wildlife [DPaW] wanting the Ningaloo coast for development. You the campers and the pastoral station confronted DPaW attempting to take control of camping on Ningaloo station, we won that fight. We took on DPaW when they wanted to include all of Ningaloo station as World Heritage and won that fight and we now ask again for each and every person to put pen to paper and let the politician's know your thoughts and to keep DPaW out of Ningaloo station
Please email this letter to all and sundry and c/c me a copy of your emails.
If I can be of any assistance please email
Hon Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia
Electoral office
Ministerial office:
Minister for Lands, Terry Redman
Ministerial office
Electoral office:
98481371 or 1800644811
Brendon Grylls MP [He is on our side]
1800199347 or 91444113
Kind regards,
Ningaloo station
"Ningaloo Station Under Threat ...... Once again Ningaloo Station is under threat from a government takeover .... 'for conservation purposes' or so says the WA Dept of P&W .... so that a 500 bed resort can be built at Winderbandi Point, (pictured) amongst other development structures. Check out the FB page https://www.facebook.com/ningaloostation?fref=ts ...... or continue reading below and email a minister or the WA premier your opposition to this. Lets save this stretch of coast for all Australians, not those ones well heeled enough to stay at another bloody fancy resort. You may have read in the West Australian paper [dated Saturday March 7 and Monday March 9 ] the Liberal/National government has had unrelenting pressure applied to them from the Department of Parks and Wildlife, formally Conservation and Land Management [CALM], formally Department of Environment and Conservation [DEC] to completely take over Ningaloo station and all of the "Wilderness camping" areas, all in the name of "Conservation". Minister Redman has said the Ningaloo coast regional strategy Carnarvon to Exmouth will be implemented and 100 bed Eco Lodges will be let to the highest bidder for Winderabandi Point, a 500 bed tourist node including accommodation, eco lodges, caravan parks food,grocery and fuel out lets at Ningaloo homestead, four camping sites with commercial eco camp style accommodation all situated on the firm flats at both North and South Lefroy bays and Janes bay will become day use only. In essence DPaW has again raised its ugly head and is relentlessly pushing government to resume ALL OF NINGALOO STATION for development to the highest bidder. Shops, fuel out lets, Eco tents and closed areas with draconian conditions/and limitations will be applied to Ningaloo station unless the tide can be changed. We ask if each and every individual person you know who has an affiliation or love of "Wilderness camping" on the Ningaloo coast email and ring the following to express their disapproval of the Department of Parks and Wildlife [DPaW] wanting the Ningaloo coast for development. You the campers and the pastoral station confronted DPaW attempting to take control of camping on Ningaloo station, we won that fight. We took on DPaW when they wanted to include all of Ningaloo station as World Heritage and won that fight and we now ask again for each and every person to put pen to paper and let the politician's know your thoughts and to keep DPaW out of Ningaloo station Please email this letter to all and sundry and c/c me a copy of your emails. If I can be of any assistance please email Hon Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia Electoral office 93831505 cottesloe@mp.wa.gov.au Ministerial office: 65525000 wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au Minister for Lands, Terry Redman Ministerial office 65526700 minister.redman@dpc.wa.gov.au Electoral office: terry.redman@mp.wa.gov.au 98481371 or 1800644811 Brendon Grylls MP [He is on our side] 1800199347 or 91444113 brendon.grylls@mp.wa.gov.au Kind regards, Phillip. Ningaloo station"
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John Duke, Lolly Tom, Marcus Craft and 11 others like this.

John Harrison The "Department" is not a being, ergo, "It" is not capable of making a decision!
It is people within "The Department" who are orchestrating this.
NAME THEM and let them justify their position.
WHO ELSE is behind this and
WHO ELSE stands to profit?
As always....FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 14:49 · Edited

Ron & Viv Moon's Remote Australia Write an email to one of the ministers listed please John.
Like · Yesterday at 14:54

John Harrison Will do, but that doesn't change what I said. The "Department" is an inanimate object that exists only on paper.
WHO is running this?
Name & Shame.
Like · Yesterday at 14:59
Write a reply...

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Reply By: sastra - Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015 at 23:11

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015 at 23:11
Sent: Monday, 23 March 2015 10:41 PM
To: Curtis, Nina; wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au; minister.redman@dpc.wa.gov.au; Redman, Terry; Grylls, Brendon; minister.nahan@dpc.wa.gov.au; minister.jacob@dpc.wa.gov.au
Cc: Ningaloo station
Subject: Development of Ningaloo Coast

To whom it may concern,

Our family have been making the trip North from Perth to Ningaloo Station for over 20 years and we are very disappointed to learn that DPaW are planning to take over Ningaloo Station for tourism development. This is one of the last remaining areas along our coastline where people can have a true wilderness-camping experience, without being herded like cattle into a caravan park or into the National Park with limited space between campers.

It is a disgrace that families who have been on this land (including Warroora Station) their whole lives are now being dictated to and displaced so that the government can develop it for tourism and revenue raising under the guise of protecting the environment. Will altering this station to increase tourism really benefit the environment? We have seen how DPaW manage the camping areas North of Yardie Creek and would consider it a waste of time making the journey from Perth to stay there. You are taking away a unique experience from a lot of people who would otherwise not be able to afford staying in Caravan Parks at $ 40.00 per night.

The families you are seeking to kick out and displace have managed the Stations and coastline for decades with little degradation. Having campers on the station is another form of income to supplement what is a hard working life. For DPaW to want to kick people off the land and take away their homes is pure greed on the part of the government, all for expensive ECO tents and high end accommodation. This is yet another thoughtless land grab by the government with absolutely NO concern for the families who will be significantly affected.

We as voters hope you have a rethink about what you are proposing and leave well enough alone.

AnswerID: 551568

Follow Up By: sastra - Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015 at 23:19

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015 at 23:19
Get involved freedom campers and email the unintiated politicians who've only ever stayed 5 star.

Like the song says - " You don't know what you've got till it's gone ". Better hurry cos it's going fast!

FollowupID: 837016

Reply By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 14:45

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 14:45
I signed an internet petition against this a few weeks ago. For those on Facebook, keep on sharing it. We don't want the rest of the coast turning into another Coral Bay for which we use the term "loved to death".

Let's push to keep the station camping as it is, well managed and protecting the environment.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 551589

Follow Up By: vk1dx - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 16:05

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 16:05
Where is the petition? I want to sign it also.
FollowupID: 837046

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 16:13

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 16:13
On Change.org, which means you get mail form them about other petitions until you unsubscribe.

Save Ningaloo Petition


Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 837049

Follow Up By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 31, 2015 at 09:37

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2015 at 09:37
Signed, thank MH.
FollowupID: 837363

Reply By: Road Warrior - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 15:45

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 at 15:45
"John Harrison The "Department" is not a being, ergo, "It" is not capable of making a decision!
It is people within "The Department" who are orchestrating this."

Actually, knowing what this government is like, I'm willing to bet it is politically driven/pushed by Cabinet and "like minded" individuals within the Department are facilitating it.
AnswerID: 551592

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Thursday, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:48

Thursday, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:48
Letter to ExplorOz - received from the Lefroys, Ningaloo Station (below). I have also inserted a pdf file that contains a few newspaper articles.


Hello all,
The Department of Parks and Wildlife [DPaW], [formally the Department of Environment and Conservation, formally the Department of Conservation and Land Management] has and is still continuing to relentlessly push the Western Australian Government to resume ALL OF NINGALOO STATION for development to the highest bidder. The Minister for Lands, Terry Redman, has publicly stated that a 500 bed tourist node with shops, fuel outlets, caravan parks, Eco lodges and visitors services will be installed in front of our 100 year old homestead as per the Carnarvon to Exmouth Regional strategy. [see pdf]

Furthermore Eco lodges of 100 beds [currently priced at $680 per night] are planed for Winderabandi Point along with caravan parks at Janes Bay, North and South Lefroy Bay, all purportedly being managed [sic] by DPaW.

"Wilderness camping" for you and our children will be lost forever !!!
Wilderness campers travel from throughout Australia, and the world, to enjoy "Wilderness camping" on Ningaloo station as it is, in its pristine condition and managed by the pastoralist.

It currently cost $98 million to manage the existing National parks in Western Australia with the additional cost of $156 million for DPaW staff wages. The Cape Range National Park [CRNP], situated some 25 kilometres North of Ningaloo station employs 30 odd DPaW staff and cost Western Australian taxpayers, according to the IUCN, $5 million per year to manage.

It begs the question, especially considering the current budget situation in the state of Western Australia, "How many DPaW public servants, and at what taxpayers cost, will it be to manage 260 km of the Ningaloo coast along with the [unwanted] twenty three tourist nodes on pastoral stations ?" I am sure the Western Australian treasurer, Hon Dr Nahan, would know !!!

Currently the coastal pastoralist are managing the coast at NO cost to the WA taxpayers !! Why do we want Government bureaucrats running an already established viable tourist enterprise on a pastoral station ?

Shops, fuel out lets, Eco tents and closed areas with draconian conditions, limitations and fees will be applied by DPaW to Ningaloo station unless the tide can be changed.

In addition to the above, the original and respected pioneer of the North West Gascoyne area, Mrs Billie Lefroy, a feisty ninety year odd, will be evicted from her lifelong homestead, along with her daughter, with no compensation paid for all of the National Heritage listed station infrastructure, along with losing her entire station which is the only means of income from grazing stock and an established thriving tourist operation.

DPaW has ridiculously suggest Billie Lefroy can live in HER homestead for life but then walk, or be carried out, and leave it for the convenience of DPaW staff

You the campers, and Ningaloo station, confronted DPaW when they attempted to take control of camping on the station, we won that fight. We took on DPaW when they wanted to include all of Ningaloo station into World Heritage, and won that fight and we now ask again for each and every person to put pen to paper and let the politician's know your thoughts and to keep DPaW out of Ningaloo station

We respectfully ask if each and every individual person you know who has an affiliation or love of "Wilderness camping" on the Ningaloo coast, email and ring the following to express their disapproval of the Department of Parks and Wildlife [DPaW] insisting on controlling the Ningaloo coast for development and demanding ALL OF NINGALOO STATION for development to the highest bidder.

Hon Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia
Electoral office

Ministerial office:

Minister for Lands, Terry Redman
Ministerial office

Electoral office:
98481371 or 1800644811

Brendon Grylls MP [He is on our side]
1800199347 or 91444113

Hon Dr Nahan, Treasurer

Hon A.P Jacob, Minister for the Environment [and DPaW]

Please email this letter to all your friends and c/c me a copy of your emails.
If I can be of any assistance please email

Kind regards,
The Lefroys
Ningaloo station
[08] 99425936

Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 551638

Reply By: Denking - Friday, Mar 27, 2015 at 06:10

Friday, Mar 27, 2015 at 06:10
With Ningaloo Station under threat it is inevitable pristine areas such as this should become property of the WA Taxpayers. No private entity such as pastoralists should own or control these spots. After all their tenancy which is is only a pastoral lease should not allow them to control access to camping areas such as Ningaloo and Woorer. Public access should be guaranteed at all times and not restricted to a privelidged few . The Lefroy's should be asked why they allegedly kept people from their lease property and access to the Bay of Rest on Exmouth gulf. Pastoralists of the past like all people today must move with the times and let everyone share in Natures beauties as they have had their years of running stinking sheep all over pristine camping lands on the pretence they own the land .They in fact only have pastoral rites to this land and let them invest millions and supply facilities if they wish to be in the tourist game. After all they start with an advantage having protected interests and have had for years. but only to the high water mark on ocean frontage. Lets hope the termination of pastoral leases when they come due this year sort out these would be lords of the manor who believe they have more rights than anyone else .
DK Ferrell. 26 Mar 2015
AnswerID: 551667

Follow Up By: Member - Stuart P (WA) - Friday, Mar 27, 2015 at 09:12

Friday, Mar 27, 2015 at 09:12
having worked on stations that have a tourist attraction on them ,I can see why the Lefroy family have closed their doors to some , damage to the station tracks and the maintenance of them is the lease holders responsibility, mustering does not go well with interfering tourists, those that think you can camp anywhere there is water , regardless that it is only 20m from their camp and stock cant get water . then there are those who take their animals and it is quite ok for them to chase the stock for fun,. the infrastructure is owned and maintained by the leaseholder , and the stinking sheep have probably clothed your family at some time and you probably walk on the very same wool in your home on the carpet.the same people who will complain about access are those who will try and drive all the tracks when it is wet , they may have driven for hours to get to a destination but if the tracks or roads are really wet then can be closed , it may be an inconvenience, but continually driving around a workplace on damaged roads and tracks are not great, and grading roads takes time and money.
FollowupID: 837145

Reply By: Gotlost - Saturday, Mar 28, 2015 at 10:07

Saturday, Mar 28, 2015 at 10:07
I often have a giggle when people mention pristine and Ningaloo in the one sentence, having lived in Exmouth for 13 years and camped at places like Winderabandi many times b4 it was fenced off, prisitine is far from the truth many times i have walked the hills to the east of Winderabandi and if u care to do it urself u will see large amounts of rubbish, discarded cans, discarded 20 litre oil containers, wrecked trucks, u name it its there, the Department of Defence closed the bombing range to camping after the amount of rubbish got out of control, example: a sinkhole full of rubbish we had to put a steel lockable lid on the sinkhole to stop further rubbish disposal, a sinkhole which had a 20 litre oil container jammed in it, long termers hiding their camping gear in the scrub until next year, the list goes on, i dont profess to be an expert on Ningaloo and the station lease there, but after having walked over alot of that country the worst thing that ever happened to the Ningaloo Coast was pastoralism, rocket science it aint, the worst part about it is the whole coastline is loved to death and never gets to recover from the annual winter hit of tourist. Go back to when aboriginal people were on the land there, there impact on the country was minimal our impact is not, their population was small on the Ningaloo Coast not anywhere like it is now. We as a race bleep in our own nest at the drop of a hat when it comes to a pristine environment, just as the State Government is about to with the Ningaloo Coast if what has been written here in this forum topic is true, the changes i have seen over 13 years have been big.

AnswerID: 551697

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Mar 30, 2015 at 15:55

Monday, Mar 30, 2015 at 15:55
For anyone interested, here is a copy of my letter that I have sent too all the ministers as per the Lefroy's request. I have addressed each minister personally and made some slight changes to each letter to suit their particular focus. So, I'll just give you the one addressed to the Premier, Colin Barnett.

PS: the reason I'm posting it here is to so you can copy any parts of it (or all of it) to help you with preparing your letter.
Dear Mr Barnett,

I am writing to express my concern and disapproval of the DPaW’s attempts to push the WA Government to resume all of Ningaloo Station, located within the world heritage listed Ningaloo Reef for development to the highest bidder.

Australia boasts 19 sites on the World Heritage register and I have personally been to each and every one of these sites. Ningaloo in particular is one of my favourites and is the location that my family has been visiting bi-annually since 1999. The Lefroy family offer everyday Australians something unique and we fear the DPaW’s plan will destroy it. The provision of camping wilderness-style on the beachfront at Ningaloo Station must remain.

The lack of soft-tourism on the Ningaloo Station has enormous appeal and benefits – in return for the opportunity to access the camping area, we agree to follow a strict code of low-impact practises. We adore the wilderness-camping experience and feel it is extremely important that our children and future generations are given numerous opportunities to experience the simplistic lifestyle of living without modern conveniences. We appreciate that for many people, this style of camping is not appealing yet this is how visitor impact is controlled naturally.

We are aware that the Minister for Lands, Terry Redman, has publicly stated that a 500 bed tourist node with shops, fuel outlets, caravan parks, Eco lodges and visitors services will be installed in front of the 100 year old homestead as per the Carnarvon to Exmouth Regional strategy. This is not the type of development we want for Ningaloo. We have also been made aware that the plan includes Eco lodges of 100 beds [currently priced at $680 per night] to be built at Winderabandi Point along with caravan parks at Janes Bay, North and South Lefroy Bay, all purportedly being managed [sic] by DPaW. This makes a visit to Ningaloo out of reach of everyday Australia families and certainly out of keeping with the current camping cost of just $35 per person per week!

It is stated on the UNESCO listing for Ningaloo that it benefits from its remoteness and low population density for it affords it a high degree of natural protection. I am therefore perplexed and concerned that the plan by DPaW will have drastic and devastating effects on the entire Ningaloo area and I urge you NOT TO PROCEED in agreeing with the DPaW!

The camping community has already seen many land management failures once put in the hands of the DPaW and there is no good reason for camping at Ningaloo Station to change management. As it is now, the Lefroy family have cared and managed the Ningaloo Station in an exemplary manner – demonstrating the ability to manage an active pastoral lifestyle whilst allowing low-impact tourism and maintaining sustainability.

In 2008, we were part of the collective of campers that rallied together with the Lefroy family to assist in blocking DEC the first time they tried to throw the Lefroy’s off their property and take control of the camping on the station. Now that the issue has been raised again, we will vehemently voice our disapproval and ask you not to let this happen ever!

My husband and I are the owners/operators of Australia’s most popular and influential website for camping enthusiasts – www.ExplorOz.com. We do not use our influence to get involved in political matters or to swing opinion, preferring to act as individuals in these situations. However, in the 15 years we have been running ExplorOz we have been involved daily with Australian’s who love camping. We understand that people do not want DPaW to take over Ningaloo Station and that you will be receiving many letters similar to ours expressing their views. We respectfully urge you to listen to these people and understand that Ningaloo Station must remain as it is.

In summary, we wish to express 3 key points:

• The development plan proposed by DEC for Ningaloo Station is counter-productive to the aims of protecting Ningaloo from development as per the goal of the UNESCO World Heritage Listing of the area
• The development plan purports that building an accessible tourism hub enables more people the chance to experience the wonder of the beautiful Ningaloo coast, however the reality is it will be cost-prohibitive to everyday Australian families; will have no appeal to campers such as us; and will fail as it is totally counter-productive.
• The only solution is to maintain the wilderness-camping access that is currently managed by the Lefroy family and their guests who work together as a community to ensure its sustainability.

Michelle Martin
Owner, Content & Marketing Director – www.ExplorOz.com
Michelle Martin
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I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 551819

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 16, 2015 at 20:44

Thursday, Apr 16, 2015 at 20:44

I used your letter as a template and adjusted it for being a non WA resident. Here is the reply I received. I guess he's very busy and didn't have time to read the letter properly. Our family name is Paterson, as per our letterhead, not Peterson. Oh well...

Dear Mr and Mrs Peterson

Thank you for your email dated 13 April 2015 regarding the 2015 pastoral lease exclusions along the Ningaloo coast.

Land along the Ningaloo coast is being excluded from pastoral leases to create a public conservation and recreation reserve. This is being done to guarantee public access and enjoyment of the Ningaloo coast for all Western Australians and visitors for generations to come. It will also allow land management to be integrated with the management of the World Heritage listed Ningaloo Marine Park.

The public reserve once created, will ensure that low-cost camping and the unique wilderness experience enjoyed by thousands of Western Australians each year will continue. Camping, surfing, fishing, diving, snorkelling and other forms of recreation will also continue to be provided for.

In 2004, five of the six pastoral lessees along the Ningaloo coast signed agreements to exclude a one to two kilometre-wide coastal area from their pastoral leases after 30 June 2015. The Government has subsequently indicated a willingness to substantially reduce the coastal exclusions along the Ningaloo coast to a more practical boundary following natural and built features such as roads and fence lines. The Government is currently negotiating with the lessees to amend their pastoral exclusion agreements accordingly. I am advised that the Minister for Lands, who is responsible for the renewal of pastoral leases, recently wrote to lessees advising them of the options to renew their leases.

Pastoralists are well-placed to have an ongoing role in managing the coast given they live nearby. Opportunities for pastoralists to continue managing camping along the Ningaloo coast will be provided.

Further information on the 2015 pastoral lease exclusions along the Ningaloo coast is provided via the following weblink: ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ fact sheet.

Thank you for making me aware of your concerns.

Yours sincerely

Albert Jacob MLA

16 April 2015

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FollowupID: 838138

Follow Up By: Eric W6 - Thursday, Apr 16, 2015 at 22:16

Thursday, Apr 16, 2015 at 22:16
Most of the Ningaloo coast needs a rest from pastoralists farming feral goats , a declared pest in the state of WA . In the last 10 years farmed feral goats have had a huge negative impact on this once pristine coastline .Ningaloo station is one of the worst offenders but through timely and corrupt interference from the PLB , MLA and the dept of lands , legislation allows these declared invasive pests to be exported off pastoral leases under the guise of conservation . Red Bluff on Quobba is a special tourism lease , it has been used as a paddock to fatten feral goats for market for the last 8 or 9 years . Up to 85% of the perennial indigenous biodiversity of this 50 hectare lease has been decimated , it wont grow back to pre 2006 in our lifetime . The leaseholder promised to look after Red Bluff in a Masterplan he drafted of how it would be managed in to the future . This Masterplan was just lip service to dupe the government and the public in to accepting the Plan of proposals . Red Bluff now is the most degraded piece of land on Quobba station , google maps prove this . If you wish to see photographs and more info on what goats have done to our coastline , visit 'friends of the bluff ' community facebook page . We've been trying to get the dept of lands to address this issue , they are in denial that goats are even a problem .Although our coastal pastoralists profit from these goats yearly , they can not be held accountable or responsible for the damage they cause .

Time for a change

FollowupID: 838146

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Friday, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:57

Friday, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:57
Hey Frank, I received the exact same reply too!
Michelle Martin
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I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 838164

Follow Up By: Eric W6 - Saturday, Apr 18, 2015 at 03:44

Saturday, Apr 18, 2015 at 03:44
Michelle , when you mention the Lefroy's working together with their guests as a community to maintain wilderness tourism sustainability , are you forgetting the poor land management practices that have turned Ningaloo station and its coastline in to a goat eaten moonscape ?
FollowupID: 838225

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Friday, Apr 03, 2015 at 17:35

Friday, Apr 03, 2015 at 17:35
abc article

The ABC has just put up this article
J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
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AnswerID: 551993

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Friday, Apr 17, 2015 at 13:16

Friday, Apr 17, 2015 at 13:16
Yeah don't you just love it when they say they're looking at entering join management arrangements with traditional owners yet they're happy to kick out Billie Lefroy who's lived there all her 90 years and her father before her managing it. The government say they will protect the tourism values of the area - yet all the current tourists to the area value what is provided to them already. The fact is they don't care about tourists like you or I, they want to attract another breed of tourist - one that pays big bucks. End of story. Believe whatever you want about the ecology management, but I've had many hours talking with Phil, Jane and Billie about this over the years. This is all about making money and making this part of WA a marketable place in the global tourist market. Phil showed me the actual plans for the new airport (there is not even an airstrip there currently). They want to fly in tourists, house them in upmarket tourist nodes with mod-cons at $500 a night, then fly them out again. The only camping options will be set back from the beach on the hard limestone areas and there will be no boat moaring off the beach as there is now so you can't sit at your camp, see the water, and watch your boat and kids frolicking about. It really has been paradise that the Lefroys have managed to share with us and all those that respect the conditions of stay. All that will happen if the Government take charge is they will sell the management to a third party (as per previous documentation) and this we've already seen the plans for and the Government have stated they are aiming to use those same plans. The result is obvious - it will drive out the current low-key campers and bring in a whole lot of infrastructure and massively inject much greater tourism numbers and dollars yet rather than make it just a bit more accessible to say 2WD vehicles and the general population, it is going to be so overpriced that the average Australian family will be squeezed out of the opportunity to visit. Their key market is the international cashed up tourist or high-flyer coming in for a quick tick of "been there, done that". It is development not conservation.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 838168

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