Double Swags

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 19:11
ThreadID: 11821 Views:18175 Replies:9 FollowUps:6
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Was looking at buying a double swag for the two of us when travelling with o/night stops. Does anyone else do the same, any tips, hints, ideas etc. Any recomendations on brands also helpful.
Cheers Pete & Lez
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Reply By: navaraman - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 19:22

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 19:22
I bought two single ones. Only way to keep her hands off me.
Someone was praising the Down Under double swag in another thread. I'm happy with the single one.
AnswerID: 53169

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 19:30

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 19:30
The price of them throws them way out of the ballpark. You can buy a good dome tent for $150-200, swags are $400 for a good one... Swags also take upbleeploads of room, compared to a tent, sleepin bag or 2, and air bed deflated..

AnswerID: 53172

Follow Up By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 06:31

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 06:31
Yes they are expensive and so are dome tents when they rip and you cant repair them and you have to buy a new one because a hot ash blows onto them .And the cheap fibrglass rods break and your in the middle of the scrub and you cant put the dome up and them it rains and your sleeping gear is all wet and the fun warden yells and screams at you and says you always go for the cheaper option.
Then you wopuld have wished you would have forked out a couple of hundred $ more and bought that nice and commfy southern cross double swag that takes about 2 minutes to un roll and set up.
Because you dont have to look for you sleeping bags and you pillows and then blow up that air bed.
Then the air bed has a hole in it and you wished you had a nice foam matteres that dosnt go down.

But i suppose you saved $200

Just a few thoughts
FollowupID: 314937

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 13:50

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 13:50
Never had 1 rip, or get burnt, too smart to camp that close to the fire, and always have car inbetween the 2. Never had a rod break either, although my 1 man tent came without poles or pegs.. thank christ my 4yr old talked me into trying it before heading out to club property for trip leaders course!

Wouldnt have a swag, refuse to pay the anally stretching amount they ask for them. Can get numerous tents for that..

Foam materess' take up too much room, air beds always come with a patch kit.

FollowupID: 314969

Reply By: Squid - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 20:15

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 20:15
We bought our double swag from Carlton Canvas, in Sydney about 12 months ago. SWMBO was initially scepticle about sleeping in such a confined space but now she prefers the swag to the tent. We haven't used our tent since we bought it.
It is very comfortable, easy to set up and pack away, just roll it up and throw in the back of the hilux, and warm in winter, and coolish in summer. In summer we just roll back the canvas and lay under the built in mesh, which allows a nice breeze to flow through.

On the weekend we camped next to a couple who had a Southern Cross double swag which seemed to be a bit more spacious than ours, so they may be worth checking out. Not sure of the cost though. As Truckster said they can be expensive, although if you shop around you may find quite a price variation between different makers.

AnswerID: 53179

Follow Up By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 06:35

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 06:35
Squid those southern cross swags are the way to go IMOP. Lots of room.
We have a double and 2 singles AS said above they are expensive but what isnt if your after quality.

All the best
FollowupID: 314938

Reply By: Willem - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 20:49

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 20:49
G'day Mr & Mrs Peter,

How are you?

We had a double swag for many years until I neglected to tie it on to roof rack properly and in a fierce wind it went AWOL. We retraced our tracks for 50km but it was gone. Some lucky bugger picked it up. It was a DB Swag(DB... Dennis Bartell, a well known South Aussie adveturer). Slept pretty well it it but we had to fit an additional high density mattress in it to make it perfectly comfortable. Remember to get one that has a raised canopy and fly net.

These days I sleep in the truck while a snoring SWMBO sleeps in the trailer. Peace at last......hahahaha

AnswerID: 53183

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:46

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:46
G'day Willie, Glad to hear the flying Scotsman arrived safely and got away OK. Bad luck about your swag dissapearing.
Catch you soon.
FollowupID: 314931

Follow Up By: Willem - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:58

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:58
G'day Al,

Yeah, the cheeky bugger flashes his ExplorOz card and asks for a a 50% discount on a freebie. I have a mind to go and make an appointment with him next time I am down in the big Smoke and then try and pay with my EO card. I can just imagine the receptionist saying "But Sir!!!....." And I would retort" But his card worked at my place !!!" ....hahahahaha

Lost the swag in 2000 and have gotten over it.....still hurts though when you realise that you have been stupid :-)

FollowupID: 314932

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 18:00

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 18:00
Wanted a 50% discount on a freebie...what a cheeky bugga

ps how much did you pay him? hahahahaha
FollowupID: 314997

Reply By: Coops (Pilbara) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:46

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:46
We have a wedge style double swag from Mallee Swags in WA that we've had for 5 years now and the "Leader of the Opposition" actually prefers it to our tent.
In fact we're going camping for 3 weeks tomorrow and she told me not to bother packing the tent. I love sleeping in it solo (don't mind the double gig either) and it sits on the roof rack or in back seat nicely.
Can send you a pamphlet if you like as best mate was former owner.
AnswerID: 53187

Reply By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:48

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 21:48
G'day Peter and Lez, Mob down Tintinara way make swags that were OK. I think they were called Candy Canvas but I might be wrong.
AnswerID: 53188

Reply By: Member - Anne - Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 23:21

Sunday, Apr 04, 2004 at 23:21
Hi Mr and Mrs Peter,

Des is right, Candys of Tintinara make a very nice double swag. However, I agree with Truckster that a dome tent costs less, takes much less space and has lots more room when set up. We looked at both options (we even went to Tintinara to check them out), and opted for the dome tent.

Happy travels
AnswerID: 53198

Reply By: John - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 01:03

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 01:03
Hiya Peter
Nice to hear from you again, Hope all is well with you and Lez.

As mentioned Southern Cross Canvas make a real good double swag, cost is $500.00. Haggle a bit you will get it for $450.
I am going to get one shortly for those times I am on my own or with Muddy Girl as a lot quicker to set up etc.
Southern Cross are on the web have a look.

Catch you soon, take care.

Kind Regards
VKS737 - Mobile 6352 (Selcall 6352)

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AnswerID: 53201

Reply By: Member - TuffLux (SA) - Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 09:31

Monday, Apr 05, 2004 at 09:31
G'day Peter & Lez

Double swags are the way to go as far as ease of setup and strength goes. We've had a Down Under Brumby Double for a year or so now and very happy. Look for ventilation top and bottom to allow air flow on hot nights.
Best nights sleep I've had under the stars.
Good luck.
AnswerID: 53213

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