Saturday, Jul 04, 2015 at 23:37
Without knowing what you will be buying, here's a couple of terms you should know about.
ATM = The Total weight(Mass) of the caravan with everything that's going with you in the van,( Food clothes, booze etc)
GTM = The Total weight(Mass) carried by the wheels of the caravan
Towbar Load = The Total weight(mass)imposed on the towball of the vehicle. This weight is set by the Vehicle manufacturer and/or the Towbar manufacturer. If these weights are different, the lower of the two applies. The Towball load is always included as part of the legal load in the vehicle and should not exceed the rear axle rated loading in any case or the Gross Combination Mass for the vehicle as specified in the handbook.
These figures SHOULD be on the caravan identity plate, usually found in the front boot or drawbar of the 'van.
Just to confuse you even more Caravans manufactured prior to 1989 do not require all this information, some may have it and others may not.
In cases with older (pre 1989) caravans you usually find the following, sometimes painted on the RHS of the van but nearly always in the rego papers
Aggregate (A) = the Total weight/mass of the loaded van and Tare (T) = The weight/mass of the unloaded/empty van.
If you keep looking here are plenty of older units out there in good serviceable condition, both in dealer yards and also privately.
Hope this helps