Ozrovers Madigan line trip 2015

Hi all,

Well I finally got to do a Madigan Line Crossing after living/working in the area for a number of years.

Left Poochera on the 10th for a quick run up to Kingoonya for a long "lunch", met up with three others from the group at Glendambo for another "lunch" then up to Cadney HS for the night, meeting up with two more group vehicles for six in total, these consisted of 1 x 200 series Landcruiser, 2 x 79 series dual cabs (including mine), 1 x HZJ79 series Landcruiser, 1 x GQ Patrol wagon & 1 x Nissan Pathfinder with a lady driver.

Left Cadney on the 11th for a run through to the Painted Desert & on to Oodna' for lunch then to Mt Dare via Dalhousie Springs for a swim, spent an enjoyable night at Mt Dare catching up with the new owners.

Left Mt Dare on the 11th & on up the Old Andado, Mac Clarke Reserve & on to the twins, from the Twins across to camp 5 for the night.

Left Camp 5 on the 12th across to Camp 6 where I managed to snag my ExOz sand flag pole on a low tree, snapping it off at the base, a quick fix with a few cable ties had it back up again.
On to Camp 8 then down to Geo-Surveyors hill for the night, this is a very rough track where we had our only puncture of the trip & a blown air bag on the other 79 Dual cab.

Left Geo-Surveyors hill on the 13th, back up to Camp 8 then across to Madigans Claypan for the night where it was discovered that the HZJ79 series had a cracked diff housing, due I suspect due to the way that the airbags were fitted & a couple of big bounces...
The boys got to work, unbolted the diff housing rolled it over & welded it up using three batteries & a bush welding kit, this repair lasted the rest of the trip after moving most of the heavy gear & liquids to the other vehicles.

Left Madigans Claypan on the 14th travelling slowly across to the Hay river Track & camping south of Camp 16, we were going to travel across to Adria Downs but due to the damaged vehicle we decided to head down to Poeppels Corner & camp on the QAA line where we camped on the 15th.

On the 16th we headed across the QAA line to Big Red where we all had a bit of a play & the GQ Patrol ran out of fuel, luckily the "Tanker truck" my 79 dual cab with a 200 liter pod tank in the back still had plenty of fuel, it was also discovered that the GQ Patrol had a crack in its long rang fuel tank.
On to Birdsville for a restock, clean up & a feed at the pub, where we stayed for the night.

On the 17th after a coffee & breakie at Dusty's Bakery & a catch up with Barnsy & Bronwin at the Roadhouse we headed off to the Walkers Crossing track & Innaminka where we had a bit of a night at the Innaminka Hotel, rolled into the swag at the town common at late O'clock...

The 18th saw us off down the Strez' to Lyndhurst where I left the group for a quick run down to Port Augusta for the night, then home on Sunday the 20th.

It was a very good trip with few issues apart from the cracked diff housing, the only car that needed some assistance was the Pathfinder which had to be snatched over a couple of dunes at the bottom end of the Hay river track, but that was due to an inexperienced driver more than anything.

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Reply By: Sigmund - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:43

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:43
Nice effort.
Thanks for the post.
AnswerID: 590591

Reply By: Member - sparra - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:57

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:57
G,day Jeff, Sounds like you had a great trip,nice report,any pics? I am planning to call in at Poochera on my way accross to Bairnsdale just before xmas,if right time of day i will camp there.

no good being the richest man in the cemetry

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AnswerID: 590593

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:29

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:29
Plenty of pics, just have to edit a few so that they are smaller...

See you if you decide to stop over.

FollowupID: 858604

Follow Up By: Member - Broodie H3 - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:47

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:47
Hi Jeff,
You have had a great trip wish I had been there with you lot, then you would have had two Pathfinders to contend with, really envious of the trip, looking forward to the photos
Broodie H3
Have car will travel

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FollowupID: 858606

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 13:18

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 13:18

I'm really impressed with the little Pathy, no real issues with it, pretty stock other than a small lift, Cooper AT3 tires, just a little bit of driver confidence let it down on maybe two dunes.

Just proves that you don't always need a monster truck to do some of these trips, but I would have one along just in case...
FollowupID: 858610

Follow Up By: Member - Broodie H3 - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:40

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:40
Hi Jeff,
thanks for the Photos, I am still very envious of the trip. The pathfinders are a very capable vehicle and as you know if you drive to the terrain and conditions not to much can go wrong. It has taken me Five years to learn how to drive my pathfinder properly, and now I would take it anywhere, and in my life time I have had twelve 4x4's, and this one with all its electronics has taken the longest to conquer. Once again thanks for the Photo's.
Broodie H3
Have car will travel

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FollowupID: 858619

Reply By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 13:43

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 13:43
AnswerID: 590599

Reply By: Member - mechpete - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:08

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:08
doesn,t sound good when you hear of a 79 series cracking a diff housing
thought they would be pretty tuff , airbags , they seem to feature regularly in anything
with a chassis or diff problem
AnswerID: 590601

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:37

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 14:37
I'm not a big fan of air bags at the best of times, now not at all, even though 79 series diffs cracking aren't new, the way the air bags were mounted didn't help much.

If it had of been a leaf sprung Patrol ute, or any of the smaller dual cabs then it would have been a bent chassis.
FollowupID: 858618

Reply By: cookie1 - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 15:39

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 15:39
Great report Jeff, trust everything is going well at Poochera for you

So it took about 4 days to do Camps 1 - 16 ( respecting Camps 2,3 & 4 ) not a bad effort is that due to the tracks being quite defined now?

We are looking to do a big lap next year starting on the Anne Beadell, up the Canning Sth, across Gary Junction and the final section will be the Madigan but I would be hoping to do up to Camp 22 - can't remember how far one can get but I believe it is Camp 23 & 24 on Adria Downs that is not able to be traversed.

The Southern Dunes on the Hay are quite good aren't they - we just came back from there on a Vertical Loop of the Simpson, up the Colson and coming down the Hay River - lost our HF whip on the HRT.

AnswerID: 590603

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 21:08

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 21:08
Yes at this time of year the track is really well defined & pretty easy going really.
I would have preferred to go earlier in the year around April/May, as it would be more of a challenge.

East from camp 16 requires permission from Adrian Downs & Qld Ntnl parks, we weren't fussed about that section so didn't end up giving them a call.
FollowupID: 858638

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 20:26

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 20:26
Hi Jeff, I've just briefly scanned your post but it would appear that we should get your assistance to publish a trek note for this on the site. Did you record a track file? Let's chat via email - please use the feedback form to initiate and we'll go from there.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 590617

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 21:10

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 21:10
I didn't but one of the others would have, I'll get back to you.
FollowupID: 858639

Reply By: vk1dx - Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 22:00

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 22:00
Hi Jeff

Good report mate. We had a slow and uneventful trip across. Didn't go near Geosurveyor's. Broke a shock off at the top of the shaft. Took ages to get it off as the bottom bolt was as tight as. Almost half an hour with the 12V impact wrench. Had to stop and let it rest in case it blew. But I got it. Didn't bother replacing it. Just wanted to stop the incessant banging. The air bags put in for stability for the GVM upgrade did a ripper of a job. Even for the 2000 kms drive home after the "bush" at highway speed it rode well.

First night was at the Twins. We had stayed with Tim and Kristy Williams just north Oodna so a stop at Mt Dare for just fuel and then to the Twins after a scone and cuppa at Old Andado. Don't laugh mate but after the twins we followed the wrong tracks. I knew it but wasn't worried. The mob we followed must have turned around as the "tracks" just stopped. So we headed north "cross country". Yep! Used the compass.

I must say that we were happy to see the end of the "rocking and rolling". But wouldn't mind another run one day. And the speedo got above 20KPH a couple of times. You just can't rush it can you!!!

Thanks for your report mate.


Cross country:

Rocking and Rolling:

AnswerID: 590620

Reply By: Robin Miller - Wednesday, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:38

Wednesday, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:38
Great stuff Jeff , glad you finally got to do it - maybe another time for the 17,18,19 camps.

Missed you again , we watched Sandown V8 supercars around 12th at Kingoonya with the new manager who was apparently ford team manager a decade ago and tried to convince us he took on Kingoonya as it was the closest thing to the big ocean yacht he has sailed for previous 9 years. (Dead flat and nothing around for miles etc)
Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 590641

Follow Up By: Ozrover - Wednesday, Sep 23, 2015 at 20:00

Wednesday, Sep 23, 2015 at 20:00
G'Day Robin, yeah a good place to prop for a long lunch is Kingoonya, we'll probably be over there for their cricket match next month.
FollowupID: 858672

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