Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 at 15:40
There are numerous laws that are unnecessary and quite often an over-the-top reaction to minor problems.
However "no-camping" laws are generally in place for a reason - to stop the layabouts, the backpackers and the general "use-up-merchants" in our society from becoming a real nuisance and a health risk.
I'm personally regularly offended by the sight of backpackers (usually Europeans) who think its O.K. to take over beach carparks during the day, set themselves up like a
home away from
home, doing cooking, washing, and setting up tables, and taking over picnic tables, to the detriment of other beach or
carpark users.
Then they also fill the
bins to overflowing with their rubbish, taking advantage of every facility that has been provided, at no cost to them.
These are the people who cause the anger that develops into many council by-laws that are introduced to try and stop them from being a regular nuisance.
Most reasonable people know where they can
camp, and know that restrictive laws are rarely applied when you're camping for a short period in a
gravel pit that's many kms from civilisation.