First trip around Oz

Submitted: Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 19:56
ThreadID: 132071 Views:3565 Replies:7 FollowUps:11
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We are tar dwellers driving our Hyundai i30 CRDI diesel (2008) manual. We'll tow our 600kg (loaded) 450kg tare home made van built for the purpose. We leave in two weektime. house sitter etc sorted.
We know we get around 9.5 L/100kms towing the van, 5.5 without. This is using 4th gear but a tailwind or downhill 5th should be ok. 5th gear I'm told isn't a full overdrive gear so I think it is ok to tow with it- any thoughts?

We have booked for caravan parks in Darwin and Broome but beyond that free camping will be the norm with particular attention to the south west WA corner and the SA peninsulas.

We have toilet/shower, 88 litres water, etc.

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Reply By: Member - brucek - Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 20:46

Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 20:46

That's a big increase in fuel use but that is mostly wind resistance I would think along with the lower gear.
Take it easy, and keep an eye on the temp and oil lights/gauges.
Perhaps have some gauges fitted incl; Oil temp & pressure.
Being a diesel you might be able to use 5th gear more than you think.
Just make sure that the motor is working in the high torque range.
Check it out but it is likely to be 1900-2750 revs and at 255NM it is no slouch being a lot more than a lot of 6cyl petrol engines.
If you can use top gear, the fuel use will drop by heaps.

I let my diesel motor lug like a tractor, But I make sure that if it is working hard it doesn't go below 1500 revs. I probably hardly ever go over 2300 revs except in top gear. (Citroen 2lt HDi and is max torque from 1750revs).

Have you worked out an itinerary?
We might see you on the road.
Your rig is pretty distinctive.
You can check us out in the blogs "Around Oz 2016".
We are leaving Sydney area 14th April.

Have a great trip.
Bruce Knowling
AnswerID: 598382

Reply By: eaglefree - Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 21:26

Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 21:26
Thanks Bruce

Yes the torque max is at those revs and I've been told by the i30 club that 5th can be used often if not all the time when cruising on the flat.
Wind resistance is the reason low economy. since that pic was taken I've had to reverse the axle, is now under the leaf springs as the wheels touched the top of the inner guard on bumps. So its even higher.
RPM at 95kph is a low 2000 in 5th, 2400 in 4th, both within that band.
We will be in Darwin (big 4 Howard Springs) 4th May for a week then onto Broome.
Our engine temp gauge hasn't moved since new, just under half way regardless of what I tow. Fitting gauges would stress me out at this point in that knowing me I'll create another problem..
noticed you have in your avatar a 505 Peugeot. I had one (early model) auto and did 440,000kms. Sold it to a friend that had another one. He took the head off mine to inspect the insides and the honing marks were still on the sleeves!!
AnswerID: 598384

Follow Up By: Member - Blue M - Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 22:20

Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 22:20
Eaglefree, I have a v8 cruiser ute. The temp gauge on the ute sits just under half way. I also have a scan gauge hooked up as well. Usually when towing the scan gauge will read around 83 to 85c and the Toyota gauge is just under half. Up a long steep hill on a hot day, Toyota gauge still happily sitting just under half, the scan gauge got up to 98c. Not sure how hot it has to get to move the Toyota gauge off just under half.

FollowupID: 867555

Follow Up By: Member - brucek - Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 23:31

Friday, Apr 08, 2016 at 23:31
Might see you between Broome & Kununurra, although we will be also going to the Dampier Peninsula, Wolfe Creek, and 5 days on the Gibb.

2000 revs; I would not hesitate to run it all day at that except for steep hills.
You would save nearly 20% in fuel. Check it on the car computer.
My car is a tiptronic auto and wants to change into third at 60kph and into top at 80kph. On the flat I change it into third at 50 and into top at 60kph (1200revs & 4.5l/100k), (the 1400 revs that I said before is 70 kph going up Lapstone Hill). I have checked with my mechanic and he said to work it hard at low revs, that is what a diesel does best,-use the torque. Only change down on hills when its flat to the floor and starts to lose pulling power, keep an eye on the tacho.

I can understand the Hyundai club talking the way they did about a petrol car, but not a diesel, UNLESS there is another problem, eg with the gear box or clutch, and I doubt that. Without a heavy load your car should be able to cruise at 80kph on the flat. The torque curve on a diesel drops off quickly at low revs, but your engine still should be happy at 1600 revs on the flat.

We are leaving the 505 behind this time. My wife wants the C5 comfort and quietness, and I think we should achieve 7.5l/100k with the rack, tyre, pod and commode frame on the top. The pug is warmed over and uses 95 premium and uses 13l/100k. We have done some trips in it; including the old Ghan track from Oodnadatta to Alice Springs, the Western Desert of Victoria twice, and the "longest shortcut" being Cairns to Busselton through the Sandover, Mereenie Loop and the Great Central Rd including a bit of the Anne Beadell Hwy.
FollowupID: 867557

Reply By: Crusier 91 - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 00:11

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 00:11
Have seen your pictures on other forums. I believe you are seasoned to do what you want with what you have.
Is this thread an approval of what you have already achieved?
AnswerID: 598390

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 12:35

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 12:35
just an introduction to our trip with follow up as we proceed. And I haven't travelled around Oz before nor seen economy results from a i30 diesel towing a small caravan. Think many would be interested in that. Tony
FollowupID: 867562

Reply By: 9900Eagle - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 07:13

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 07:13
You are obviously proud of what you have achieved and congratulations for reaching the start of your ultimate goal.

It is good to see you posting your fuel figures to give others an idea of usage in a small diesel with van in tow and loaded.

On your overdrive, my thoughts are don't use it unless you have a good tail wind. Many say it is ok but problems with that gear might not show up for many thousands of K's. You will get used to the extra revs as the petrol i30 probably revs higher than 2400 in overdrive at the speed. Best info would be an answer from Hyundai themselves. For interest, my vehicles have never returned any discernible different in fuel consumption between 4th and overdrive with a caravan in tow.

I have followed your build and please post more on your travels. Have a good trip
AnswerID: 598392

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 12:42

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 12:42
Thanks 9900Eagle,

I did have a neighbour once that had a Jackaroo diesel that towed a one ton tradesmans trailer with his overdrive on a long trip and it needed a gearbox rebuild upon return, the mechanic claiming 5th gear shouldn't have been used.

However, as previously stated it isn't strictly an overdrive. I think a mix of both really. If the engine is showing no signs of labouring on the long flat outback tar roads 5th would be ok. But the slightest sign of a head wind or gradient 4th is the go.

My car though its done 304,000km has had an easy life with cruise control at 108kph on the Hume Highway.

I'll keep you all poste don economy.
FollowupID: 867563

Follow Up By: 9900Eagle - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 17:36

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 17:36
It will be an overdrive. Anything that has a gear ratio under 1 to 1 which is straight through, is an overdrive. If you look in your manual it should show your gearbox ratios. What I think they are saying is the overdrive gear is just an add on at the end of the gear line which can make it weak. Landcruisers and Patrols suffered from this and after a while they would need a box rebuild. Note. I am not picking on either of these vehicles, it is just the fact as they are a yard stick.

Have a think about what the vehicle was designed for, it was most likely only designed to tow a box trailer short distances around the place at higher load limits. The weight your are towing iand you have also introduced windage making the vehicle work much harder.

I have no doubt the engine will love the work, it is just the box. If you contact your local Hyundai dealer that should then forward your query to Hyundai for an answer.

Just looked up your gearbox ratios and in fact you have a double overdrive, 4th and 5th are overdrives.

1 gear 3,636
2 gear 1,962
3 gear 1,189
4 gear 0,844
5 gear 0,660
Reverse 3,583
Final drive 3,941

They are a very good vehicle with few problems so,
Happy travels.
FollowupID: 867570

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 18:53

Saturday, Apr 09, 2016 at 18:53
thankyou for going out of your way.
Yes, I see your point. We owned a motorcycle camper trailer prior to this van. It weighed 320kgm loaded. It would much easily cruise at 110kph in 5th. But the van at 600kg loaded and the wind resistance is much more.
Didn't know that 4th was an OD also. Rather unusual.
FollowupID: 867575

Follow Up By: scandal - Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 14:18

Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 14:18
On the subject of towing in 5th with manual cruisers prados patrols etc, most vehicle manufacturers add 5th gear almost as an afterthought typically 4th gear is a straight thru shaft allowing engine torque to run straight thru the gear box, 5th gear on the other hand utilizes other gears (normally 3rd) and other shafts in the gearbox to get the overdrive affect, many more components working within the gearbox creating more heat which is why its ok when cruising when your not needing much power but not good when towing.
reading the above spec sheet indicates that 4th gear does not transmit power straight thru, unusual, but for what i can see, there would be no real gain in using 4th or 5th in this circumstance in my opinion, just use what ever"feels" right
FollowupID: 867625

Reply By: Member - Robyn R4 - Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 22:30

Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 22:30
I take my hat off to all the clever folk out there who have built their own home-on-wheels (we have one too, but not as tall or fancy as yours!)
PS: that my dog? Or do you have a home-made van with a mini foxi-Jack Russell too?

Robyn :)
AnswerID: 598467

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 23:03

Sunday, Apr 10, 2016 at 23:03
Thanks Robyn. Yes miss Rosie is our lure bred mini foxy...our shu roo.
FollowupID: 867655

Reply By: Mark - Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 15:52

Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 15:52
We have a 2008 i30 CRDI and has been a great car with no issues from new. I was also thinking of towing our CT on occasion and came across this thread a while back.
Seem's they are towing much bigger vans in the UK with no issues.
I also got one of those OBDII Bluetooth Adapters and plugged it in under the dash on drivers side and I think it gave additional temp measurements etc. I think it was this one, ELM327 V2.1 OBD2 was around $10 and connects via my Android phone.
AnswerID: 598501

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 17:00

Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 17:00
Hi Mark

Yes, I've recently joined the i30 owners club and they have heaps of information on all sorts of topics on our car.

There is a guy that hauls a 19 foot caravan over the European alps every year with his CRDI. So it will tow well.

Our van has a tiny ball weight of only 18kg. Reason being it was meant to be towed by a VW trike but ended up too heavy at 450kg tare 600 loaded. I was initially concerned with the lightness of the van so installed a friction type stabiliser unit and it is really stable now even when semi's pass. A camper trailer weighing up to 800 kg would be fine IMO because unlike my van there will be less wind resistance. I'm sure it would be capable in towing more. At 600kg I find the braking acceptable without van brakes but any heavier and brakes should be installed, anyway over 750kg you should have them by law.

As an indication, we had a motorcycle camper trailer called a Detour at 180kg tare and 320kg loaded and the i30 barely felt it. The car is really stable for towing.
FollowupID: 867680

Reply By: Member - brucek - Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 23:26

Monday, Apr 11, 2016 at 23:26
Are you going to build a blog of the trip?
AnswerID: 598520

Follow Up By: eaglefree - Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 at 00:14

Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 at 00:14
I'd like to Bruce but I had severe burnout 3 years ago. Unfortunately I'm not the most reliable in so many ways. Hence not working and mind in black clouds.

But I might post the odd update here.

Gotta smell the roses.

FollowupID: 867694

Follow Up By: Member - brucek - Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 at 08:09

Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 at 08:09
Tony, you have done so well with your forum posts and so prolific.
The blogs are not so different and can be easily edited at any time.
However you do it, we look forward to your trip reports.

Have a look at our blog "Around Oz 2016". We will be putting new info/stories/photos at the top each time so that it is easy and quick to see if there has been an update.

FollowupID: 867697

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