Tuesday, Jun 07, 2016 at 16:32
Brand name Napisan has/had other superfluous additives for
toilet use, probably to perfume and/or soften fabrics. But all laundry soakers with the active ingredient of Sodium Percarbonate it will do the job. The store brand formulations have less of the fancy stuff therefore a greater percentage of the active ingredient. If you follow the links from My Blog you can read the MSDS sheets.
Those who do
home brewing and purchase straight Sodium Percarbonate for sterilising bottles use a small quantity of this to gain the same results in their
toilet cassettes.
The bottom line is, it is safe to use, easy to use, and doesn't harm the environment.
Read this extract from Professor Ian Jenkins (retired Professor of Chemistry and now Professor Emeritus at
Griffith University):
"Today, Napisan contains sodium carbonate (30-60%), sodium percarbonate (10-30%), sodium sulfate (10-30%) and small quantities of surfactants. The ‘look-alikes’ appear to consist of very similar mixtures. The active ingredient in all cases is sodium percarbonate, made by mixing sodium carbonate (washing soda) with hydrogen peroxide. It has the formula 2Na2CO3.3H2O2. When dissolved in water, it forms sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide oxidises smelly thio compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, and nitrogen-containing compounds such as skatole found in human waste [H. Sato et al, Journal of Health Science, 2001, 47, 483]. In the absence of organic material, hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly forming oxygen and water. By the time you empty your portable
toilet, there would be very little hydrogen peroxide or sodium percarbonate remaining (hence it should have a negligible effect on septic systems). Sodium percarbonate is often used in eco-friendly cleaning products, and is the active ingredient of Odour-B-Gone. According to the labeling, the surfactants present in at least two of the Napisan look-alikes (‘Ultra Booster Everyday Plus Laundry Soaker’, and ‘Laundry Soaker and Inwash Booster’) are biodegradable."
The link has been given in Chooky and Wobbles' reply.