Saturday, Jul 16, 2016 at 17:09
I reckon Pete G has been running his rig like a hotshot express - thousands of kms a week at high speed and only stopping once a day!
I don't know how else you could get 560K and 465K out of original brake pads. Either that, or Pete is like a lot of people, and forgets about every second repair done to his vehicle.
I've owned a lot of vehicles, including a number of Landcruisers and other 4WD's and I've never achieved anything like those figures for brake pads.
About 70,000 kms for brake pads on city work, and about 120,000 on country operation would be more like it, for any other make.
I had a HZJ80 (turbo auto diesel) that I did 170,000 kms with in 3 yrs, and the brake pads were shot at 120,000 kms.
I will admit there are brake pads and brake pads - and Nissan seem to be better than others on brake pad life.
A mate has a 2011 Patrol traytop that he uses on country/
farm work, and he's done 200,000 kms, and he told me recently, he hasn't changed any brake pads pads yet. I reckon he can't be far off needing them.
Cheers, Ron.